Manage positional representations in spreadsheets

If you create a complex positional representation, you may find it easier to manipulate values using the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet instead of context menu options. All the values set in the positional representation are presented in a tabular format. You can enter formulas in cells to calculate values, and then select multiple cells to edit at once.

What do the column headers mean?

Columns headers identify the value set. For example, an offset setting for a flush constraint would be indicated by Flush:3 (Offset) where '3' represents the third flush setting specified.

What rules apply when editing the spreadsheet?

The spreadsheet is an editing environment for manipulating the values of positional representations. When you have changed values, you return to Autodesk Inventor. Changes to the spread sheet are saved in the assembly file.

Follow these rules when editing in the spreadsheet:

Note: A component's flexibility status can be Flexible, Non-flexible, or Adaptive. In this case, Non-flexible indicates the primary state of the component.
  1. Click the Representations folder in the browser and double-click a positional representation to make it active. You cannot edit the primary representation.
  2. On the Representation browser, click the Microsoft Excel command on the browser header.
  3. In the spreadsheet, edit cells using Excel commands to create formulas used to calculate values, edit multiple cells, and format cells.

    You can use color and change font as desired, but it has no effect on the values.

  4. On the Quick Access toolbar, click Return to Autodesk Inventor. Click File Save to save the edits in the assembly.