Creating reports

When creating reports, on the General tab you specify report information. On the Properties tab, you determine the Property information to include. On the Simulations tab, you select the simulations to include in the report. On the Format tab, you define the output format of your report.

Once you have ran one or more simulations you can generate a report of the simulation results.

To create a report:

  1. On the ribbon, click Frame Analysis tab Publish panel Report . The Report dialog box displays.
  2. On the General tab, specify the Title, Author, path to a logo, summary, and image size as appropriate.
  3. In the Report Location section, enter the filename and browse to an existing folder. Alternatively, specify the path. Any UFC valid path is accepted. The default path is the same location as the part or assembly file being analyzed.
  4. On the Properties tab, all Properties with a value are included in the report. To select only specific properties, select the Custom option and specify the properties to report.
  5. On the Simulations tab, specify the simulation and associated attributes and the results to include in the report. When multiple simulations are run, you can create a report for one or more simulations at one time.
  6. On the Format tab, choose the appropriate output format for your report. For the HTML web page format, select Use Dynamic Content to include controls that change image size and collapse report sections. Select Create OLE Link to embed a link to your report in the model browser.
    Note: To edit your report, double-click the embedded link or right-click and select Edit.
  7. Click OK to create the report.

In the location specified, a folder is created containing an .html document and PNG images for the results, and Minimum and Maximum values.