Style Library Manager Reference

The Style Library Manager is used primarily by a CAD administrator to:

Any changes made to a style library are not available in other documents until the current Autodesk Inventor session closes and a new session is reopened.

Some styles reference other styles as substyles (for example, the dimension style references the text style as a substyle). When copying a style library, the Style Library Manager opens the Manage Styles dialog box if mismatched substyles are detected in the source and destination libraries. For each substyle, confirm to replace the current version with the source version.

Note: If the source library substyles are not copied, substyles from the destination style library are used instead. The overall definition of the dimension style changes, because the set of substyles it uses has different characteristics compared to the source.

The Style Library Manager also accesses the Create New Style Library dialog box to create new style libraries. The same dialog box is also accessible from the Style Management Wizard.


Click Start menu Programs Autodesk Autodesk Inventor Tools Style Library Manager. In the Style Library Manager dialog box, click a style type to populate the Style Library pane with defined styles.

Choose Style Type

Lists all style types. Click a style type to show all definitions in the Style Library column.

Style Library 1

Shows styles of the selected type in the specified library.


Lists projects that have style libraries associated with them. Click to select.


Click to browse to the appropriate style library.

Style Library 2

Shows styles of the selected type in the specified library.


Lists available style libraries. Click to select.

Create New Style Library

Creates a style library by copying an existing library or creating an empty library, specifies its location, and names the source library to copy, if applicable.


Click to browse to the appropriate style library.

Comparing Styles Between Definitions

If a style exists in both Style Libraries and is an exact name value match (that is, Equal), then the text in the style lists has a normal font display.

If a style exists in both Style Libraries, is an exact name match, and is not a value match (that is, Not Equal), then the text for this style name displays as bold, underlined, and red.

If a style only exists in one Style Library (that is, is Unique), then the text for this style name displays as bold, underline, and blue.

Filter commands

Shows differences between the lists in the style libraries:

Click Show All Styles to list all styles in both style libraries.

Click Show Mismatched Styles to show styles whose definitions are different in the two libraries.

Click Show Unique Styles to show styles that exist in one library but not the other.

Copy style commands

Copies selected styles from Style Library 1 to Style Library 2.

Copies selected styles from Style Library 2 to Style Library 1.

Substyles are only copied from one style library to another if they do not exist in the target library. To avoid replacing an existing style accidentally, you are prompted to replace the target style with the source style. It occurs if a substyle exists in the target style library, and it is different from the substyle in the source library.

Manage styles dialog box

When copying a style library, if a source style and one or more of its substyles differ from the destination library, you are asked to select which substyles to copy to the destination library.

For example, a dimension style uses the text style as a substyle. If the text substyle referenced by the dimension style is different from the text style in the destination style library, confirm to replace the destination text style with the text substyle from the source style library.

If you choose to use a combination of Yes and No in the Overwrite column, the style in the destination style library is not identical characteristics compared to the source.


In the Style Library Manager dialog box, click the Show Unique Styles command or Show Mismatched Styles command to list styles in red text. Listed styles do not match in the source and destination style libraries. Right-click a red style name and then click the arrow button to copy it. The Manage Styles dialog box opens.

Style Name

Lists the destination style name and its standard.


Shows the path of the destination style.


Lists the style type.


The default setting is No. For each listed style, click in the column to switch to Yes.

To set all styles at once, click Yes to All (to overwrite styles in the destination library) or No to All (to copy only the parent style, but not the substyles).