Open an AutoCAD file directly as an Associative DWG and create 3D Inventor models of 2D layouts.
The following workflows are available:
- Open an AutoCAD DWG to view, plot, and measure the file contents. Objects display exactly as they do in AutoCAD.
- Import AutoCAD DWG files using the DWG/DXF File Wizard.
- Import or place an AutoCAD DWG file into a part or assembly file to produce an associative underlay.
- Use the Project DWG Geometry command to project DWG underlay geometry and then extrude the projected sketch.
- Create 3D Inventor models based on the DWG geometry created in AutoCAD.
- The 3D model created in Inventor will associatively update when the 2D geometry changes in AutoCAD.
- In an assembly file, use the Joint and Constrain command to create relationships between a DWG underlay geometry and a part or assembly.
Import or place associative DWG Underlay files into a part or assembly
To place a DWG in an assembly:
- Assemble tab
Component panel
- In the Place Component dialog box, select your file and click Open.
- Place the DWG in the graphics window of your design.
Use the
Project DWG Geometry command to project DWG underlay geometry and then extrude the projected sketch.
Import or place non-associative DWG files into a part or assembly
- In the Sketch environment, select the
Sketch tab
Insert panel