To Simplify Parts

You can remove details, fill voids, and define envelopes.

Use the Simplification tools to reduce model complexity or to replace intellectual property with simple shapes.

For example:

Remove Details

Use Remove Details to remove recognized fillets, chamfers or custom-selected faces.

You must have one or more solid bodies in the file to use the tool.

  1. In a part (.ipt) file: On the ribbon, click 3d Model tab Simplification panel Remove Details
  2. Specify the geometric recognition options. By default, both fillet and chamfer are selected.
  3. Select faces to be removed from the model. The selected face visibility is temporarily shaded.
    Note: The Auto Select feature selects fillets and chamfers automatically.
  4. Click the plus sign to apply the change and continue removing details.
  5. Click to finish.

Fill Voids

Use Fill Voids to remove any internal spaces of the geometry.

  1. In a part (.ipt) file: On the ribbon, click 3d Model tab Simplification panel Fill Voids
  2. Select components that will be filled in the model. The selected edge or face visibility is temporarily dashed to represent those items will be filled.
    Note: The Auto Select command displays edges and faces that will be filled automatically.
  3. Click to apply and continue.
  4. Click to finish.

Define Envelopes

Use Define Envelopes to reduce geometric complexity or remove intellectual property from the interior or exterior a part.

  1. In a part (.ipt) file: On the ribbon, click 3d Model tab Simplification panel Define Envelopes
    Note: The Simplification panel is not displayed by default. To display the panel, right-click the ribbon and in the Show Panels list select Simplification.
  2. Using the in-canvas mini-toolbar, specify how to create the envelope:
    1. Select the Simple Shape - choose from Bounding Box or Bounding Cylinder.
    2. Select the Faces defining the bounding area.
    3. Choose the method of creation - join to an existing solid or create a new feature.
    4. Click to apply the change and continue.
    5. Click to finish.

The simplified envelopes populate the browser.