Resolve check out

Shows information about the checked out file and changes the checkout status. Forces the check-in of a file that you did not check out, was checked out to someone else, or was checked out under a different name or version.

A valid checkout has matching properties on both the file in the workspace and the file with the same name and relative path in the workgroup. Properties include the:

Note: The operations on this dialog box are intended for system administrators. A system variable called AutodeskInventorMultiUserAdmin must be set using the System option on the Windows Control Panel.


In the browser, click the header, and then select File Status. Right-click a file name, and then select an option. (Use for shared or semi-isolated projects.)

Browser options

In the browser, available menu options differ according to project type and check out status.

Check In

Clears the checkout status of a file and in a semi-isolated project, copies the file from the workspace to the same relative path in the appropriate workgroup. (The existing workgroup file is first moved to the OldVersions folder.)

Check Out

Checks the file out of the workgroup to a workspace. In a semi-isolated project, copies the file to the same relative path location in the workspace. If the file is already checked out, the Resolve Checkout dialog box opens.

Cancel Check Out

Clears the checkout status of a file.

Update Status

Resets status symbols on files in the browser to indicate checkins or check-outs by other designers.


Opens the Resolve Checkout dialog box so conflicting check-out status can be resolved.

Resolve Checkout dialog box

The Resolve Checkout dialog box controls the following operations:

Tree check box

Causes Forced Check Out, Canceled Check Out, or Steal Check Out to apply to all files in the tree.

Force Checkout

Used when the revision ID in the workspace and workgroup do not match. Click to override the current checkout to someone else or a different version or file name. Check-out data is reset to your name, path, date, and version. Use with caution to avoid replacing another designer's checked in edits to the file.

Cancel Checkout

Cancels check out of a previously checked out file, including one checked out to someone else or when the workgroup file check out status does not match your check-out status.

Steal Checkout

Overrides the checkout status of another designer and checks out a file to you instead. Use with caution to avoid destroying another designer's edits to the file. Available when the workgroup file is checked out to another designer or workspace location.


Cancels the Forced Checkout, Canceled Checkout, or Steal Checkout.


Click More to view check out status information in the Workspace Document and Workgroup Document boxes. The sections cannot be modified and describe the version of the file checked out to a workspace and the version that resides in the workgroup. When a file checked out is valid, the information matches in both sections.

Full path

Shows the full path to the checked out file.

Checked out to

Name of the person to whom the file is checked out.


Date and time of the original checkout.

Current Revision

Shows the version number of the file that resides in the workspace.

Checked out Revision

Shows the version number of the file when it was checked out.

Checked out to Workspace Path

Shows the location of the workspace where the file was checked out.