Make Components: Selection Reference

Selects sketch blocks or solid bodies to make components.

Ribbon: Manage tab Layout panel Make Components

Ribbon: Sketch tab Show Panel icon . Select Layout panel to display the Layout panel. Select Make Components

Select blocks or bodies in the graphics window or model browser. Selected items display in the dialog box browser.
Remove from selection
Select items in the dialog box browser and click to remove the selected items. If the block definition is removed, all other instances are also removed.
Insert components in target assembly
Select to place the new components into an assembly. If this option is selected, the Make Components process will:
  • Create a target assembly that corresponds to your layout.
  • Create components, based on component type, from your selected block instances or solid bodies and insert them into the target assembly.
  • Open the target assembly as the active window. The new components and target assembly are not automatically saved to disk. You save both when the target assembly is saved.
    If this option is cleared, the Make Components process:
    • Creates component files, based on component type, from your selected block instances or solid bodies.
    • Requests that you save the new component files. The new files are not automatically opened.
Assembly information
Target assembly name. Enter the name of your new assembly.

Template. Select or browse to the assembly template from which the new assembly is created.

Target assembly location. Enter or browse to the location where the new assembly is saved. Use to select an assembly that exists, if appropriate.

Default BOM structure. Select the bill of materials structure for the new assembly.

Accepts settings, and displays the next Make Components dialog box.