The position of segments and routed and unrouted wires in a harness assembly can sometimes violate the specified minimum bend radius . To check for bend radius violations, you select one, some, or all objects in the harness assembly, and then run the bend radius check. Icons are displayed in the browser alerting you to any violations. You can also show violations to view additional details and to highlight the point or points that are causing the failure.
You can immediately adjust the wire or segment position to fix a violation, or you can continue working and adjust them later. You can also suppress or clear violation errors in the browser.
When active checking is enabled, objects that are affected by an operation and all objects that previously failed the bend radius check are automatically checked under certain conditions.
Reports and nailboard documentation can be created with bend radius violations.
Active bend radius checks are done only if active bend radius checking is enabled in the harness settings for the selected harness assembly. Checks are automatically run:
Active checking is never done while creating wires and cables.
A violation is cleared from both the browser and the harness assembly when adjustments to the segment position fix the violation. To clear a violation from the browser without fixing the violation, use Clear Violations from the context menu.
Clearing the Bend Radius violations does not affect the bend radius suppression state of the object.
When bend radius checking for a harness object is suppressed, all violations for that object are ignored during bend radius checks. The browser icon also updates to indicate the suppressed state.
When bend radius violations exist in the assembly, the following error symbols can display:
Error condition. A bend radius violation exists and is flagged with this symbol in the browser. |
Objects are flagged with this symbol in the browser when:
To help pinpoint the specific segments, wires, and work points contributing to a violation, you can Show Violations for a selected object. When violations are shown, the segments or wires and the work points are listed in a dialog box and a red symbol is displayed in the graphics window near the work points which may contribute to the violation.