Provides access to the appearance assets in the current document and in the accessible libraries, as defined in the project file.
Quick Access Toolbar:
Tools tab Materials and Appearances panel
Appearance Mini-Toolbar
Click-drag to reposition the mini-toolbar
The Color Wheel consists of 1) a hue wheel, 2) a diamond, and 3) a slider (thin black bar).
Drag the slider to select a color, select a hue within the diamond. The diamond defines saturation from 0% (left) to 100% (right) and brightness from white (top) to black (bottom).
For most appearance types, other than metal, liquid, and stone, the selected object color displays in the color wheel. For metal, liquid, and stone, the Tint value is displayed.
Color Picker Cursor sits within the diamond. Click-drag the cursor to the hue you want to use.
Current|Previous Color displays the previous color so you can easily switch between two colors. Color wheel updates with selected color information.
Color Mode select the RGB (default) or HSB mode for use in specifying the color.
RGB: Red, Blue, Green
HSB: Hue, Saturation, Brightness
Color values specify the desired values for the color mode and selection.
RGB values are expressed in a range from 0 through 255, increasing from no color (0) to full color (255).
HSB values are expressed as percentages.
Save Appearance saves modifications made to the current appearance. Enabled only when modifications have been made to an appearance.
Appearances Click the down-arrow to display of the list of available appearance textures.
Texture Mapping specifies the texture image mapping type.
Component level
Face level
When Planar mapping is selected, texture alignment options are enabled.
OK | Apply | Cancel
Options Specifies the in-canvas mini-toolbar behavior.