Material and Color Style migration to the new definitions are contrasted in the following table:
Color and Styles vs Appearances
- Inventor 2012 & prior - Color and Styles
- Maintained in an Inventor specific style library.
- Defined by 4 color properties, opacity, and shininess properties.
- Texture and bump maps can be scaled and rotated.
- Assigned a Realistic Appearance.
- Not shared with other products
- .Modified using Inventor's unique Styles Editor
- Releases after Inventor 2012 - Appearances
- Appearance definitions replace color styles and are maintained in a common, shared library.
- Are defined by broader group of properties.
- Have texture, bump, and cutout maps with increased property definition and control.
- Are Realistic Appearances that work in connection with Ray Tracing.
- Shared with AutoCAD, Revit, and Showcase.
- Use the same interface in multiple products.
Material Styles vs Materials
- Inventor 2012 & prior - Material Styles
- Maintained in an Inventor specific style library.
- Defined by 8 physical properties.
- Have a Color style assignment.
- Have a Units setting.
- Not shared with other products.
- Modified using Inventor's unique Styles Editor.
- Releases after Inventor 2012 - Materials
- Material definitions replace material styles and are maintained in a common, shared library.
- Defined by a broader group of properties.
- Have an Appearance assignment.
- Use a Global units setting.
- Shared with AutoCAD, Revit, & Showcase.
- Use the same interface in multiple products.