Assembly Enhancements

Check out the enhancements made to Inventor that impact the Assembly environment.

Content Center: Component visibility

You can now change the visibility of all Content Center components with a single context menu selection in the active view representation.

A progress bar keeps you informed during visibility changes. The process can be cancelled, if so desired.
Note: Components not in the Project locations for Libraries and Content Center do not respond to the visibility options. For example, Pack and Go gathers Content Center components, and puts them in a Pack and Go Library folder, those content center components do not respond to the visibility options.

For more information, see To Create, Edit, and Restore View Representations.

An Inventor® Ideas submission

Content Center: Locking the rotation of inserted fasteners

When inserting fasteners (bolts, nuts, washers, for example) from Content Center using Autodrop, you now have the ability to lock the fastener position using the new "Lock Rotation" option.

For more information, see To Insert Parts Using AutoDrop.

An Inventor® Ideas submission

An Inventor® Ideas submission

Component Pattern

To expedite creating patterns using the origin axes, the axes are now available in the Pattern dialog. Click the selector to access the axes flyout.

For more information see Create rectangular patterns of components and Create circular patterns of components.

Select Part Priority on Pattern

You are now able to easily select all instances of the component in the Pattern when your Selection filter is set to "Select Part Priority" and then select the "Select All Occurrences" selection filter. Previously the "Component priority" filter selected the browser node of the corresponding component.

An Inventor® Ideas submission

Purge Unused

Selectively remove unused sketches using the new Purge Unused command.

An Inventor® Ideas submission

For more information see Manage the Model Browser.

BOM Editor - Part Number Row Merge Settings icon

The icon for the part number row merge settings is now different depending on if it is enabled or disabled so you have the direct visual indication of the status in the Bill of Materials dialog.

An Inventor® Ideas submission

"Increment" when Copying and Mirroring Components

Incremental numbering for copied or mirrored components can now be specified by default using the newly added "Increment" boxes in the Mirror&Copy tab of the Application Options dialog. The settings persists to be selected in the Copy Components and Mirror Components dialogs.

An Inventor® Ideas submission

For more information, see To Customize the Mirror & Copy Folder Structure.

Tube&Pipe Enhancements

The icon for grounded Tube & Pipe fittings has been updated to make it easier to identify them in the browser.

An Inventor® Ideas submission

An Inventor® Ideas submission

Reorder Features in the Browser

Reorder features

You are now able to reorder features in the browser. You can do the following:

An Inventor® Ideas submission