Check out the enhancements that span all Inventor environments.
The Home tab no longer participates when you use the windows arrangement tools. Arranging windows involves only your open models and guided tutorials.
For more information see To Work with Graphics Windows
Maximize Button for iLogic Editor
You are now able to maximize the iLogic Rule Editor window so it is easier to edit the rules.
Adding True/False Parameter to iLogic Form should default to Checkbox
When a True or False parameter is added to an iLogic form, the Control Type now defaults to Checkbox.
Confirmation box for deleting an iLogic Form
When deleting an iLogic global or an internal Form, a confirmation dialog is now displayed making sure you want to proceed with the form deletion.
Support multi-selection drags within the form editor to move elements
It is now possible to multi-select entities within the iLogic form editor and drag them to another location.
To drag a group, select the parent. You can Ctrl-select multiple groups. But you can't select both a group and individual items that are within the group.
Shift select multiple elements (or form controls) to restructure. Selected items will retain their order.
Ability to change an invalid browser node name
When you edit the name of a browser node to a name that already exists, for example, a newly added Edit button in the Warning dialog directly enables you to correct the name directly in the browser. Previously, you could only discard the edits and start again.
Privacy Settings in the Help drop-down menu
The Desktop Analysis item from the Help drop-down menu was renamed to Privacy Settings.