Leader Note <IvLeaderNote>


IvLeaderNote creates an annotation text with a leader line on a drawing.






Name Type Description
leaderPoints list List of placement points. The first point in the list defines the position of the text, the last one defines the position of the marker point.
formattedText string (From IvCommonNoteMixin) This defines the text of the note, along with optional style override information. The style override information is provided in pseudo-HTML-style tags. These tags include (case is important!): text - Apply a style override to "text."

- Inject a line break into the text - Inserts the value of a parameter ('p0', in this case) from a component file override to "text"

sheet part (From IvCommonNoteMixin) Part representing the drawing sheet on which to place the note. Defaults to "Parent".
layer string (From IvCommonNoteMixin) Name of the layer style to use for the note. Defaults to "Default", which uses the default layer style.
dimStyle string Dimension style to be used. Defaults to "Default", which triggers the use of the object default dimension style.