Template Drawing <IvTemplateDrawing>


IvTemplateDrawing is used when adopting drawings, similar to the way IvAdoptedPart is used when adopting Inventor parts. The adoption wizard creates design a design for an adopted drawing that mixes in IvTemplateDrawing.




Name Type Description
templateFile string Absolute path to the drawing template file. If this parameter is not provided, the "standard" drawing template will be used.
drawingFileDirectory string The directory where the drawing file will be saved. Defaults to a subdirectory of "Member Files" corresponding to the top-level assembly.
drawingFileName string The file name that the drawing will be saved to. Defaults to a file name corresponding to the ref chain of the document part within the Intent model. The extension is determined based on the document type set in Application Options.
drawingPathName string The full path where the drawing document will be saved. Defaults to the combination of drawingFileDirectory and drawingFileName.
iProperties list Nested list defining properties of this document. This is a list of lists, where each sublist is a list of two strings .
ExternalReference string Absolute path to the model file for the drawing views. Defaults to NoValue .


save( ) As Any
Save the drawing document to the file specified by the 'drawingPathName' rule .
saveAs( fullPath As String ) As Any
Save the drawing document to the file specified by the 'fullPath' argument.
pointInView?( sheetName As String, _
              viewName As String, _
              modelPt As Point, _
              Optional tolerance As Number = 0.001 ) As Boolean
Returns an indication of whether the specified model point is part of the drawing view identified by sheet/view name. Intended for use with detail views.