Circular Detail View <IvCircularDetailView>


IvCircularDetailView defines a Circular Detail View of a base view on a drawing.






Name Type Description
fenceCenter point Defines the center of the Circular Detail View on the base view. Can either be provided explicitly, or calculated from a model work point via the 'fenceCenterPart' and 'fenceCenterWorkpoint' parameters.


Name Type Description
OriginIndicatorClosestPoint point Point used to select the correct drawing curve on the view. If several curves are representing the entity, the one closest to the point is selected. The measure of closeness is the distance from the point to the center of the bounding box curve.
OriginIndicatorEntity string The face, edge name to use for drawing curve search.
OriginIndicatorIntent any The position on the drawing curve. Valid values are: :none, :startPoint, :endPoint, :midPoint, :centerPoint, :circularLeftPoint, :circularRightPoint, :circularTopPoint, :circularBottomPoint or Number in range 0…1.
OriginIndicatorPart part Intent Part that the curve was produced from.
OriginIndicatorLayer string The layer associated with the origin indicator.
OriginIndicatorStyle string The leader style associated with the origin indicator.
OriginIndicatorRelativeX number X-Offset of the origin indicator. Default: 0.0.
OriginIndicatorRelativeY number Y-Offset of the origin indicator. Default: 0.0.
OriginIndicatorVisible? boolean True if the origin indicator is visible (Default).
parentView part Defines the base view from which the detail View is derived. Defaults to 'Parent'.
fenceCenterPart part Defines a reference part for the Circular Detail View. This alternative positioning of the detail circle is only possible, if 'fenceCenter' is not directly provided.
fenceCenterWorkpoint string Name of a work point , that is defined on fenceCenterPart. This defines the center of the fence circle of the Circular Detail View.
fenceRadius number Radius of the fence circle of Circular Detail View. The given radius should take the scale of the base view into account.
viewScale number Scale of the Circular Detail View as decimal number. Defaults to twice the scale of the parent view.
displayTangentEdges boolean (From IvCommonViewMixin) Specifies whether to show tangent edges. If True , tangent edges are displayed. Default is False .
cutLineType name Controls whether the detail view cut line is jagged (default) or smooth. Valid values are :jagged or :smooth.
displayFullBoundary? boolean Controls whether to display the full boundary around the detail view. Only valid for Smooth Cut Line. Defaults to False .
displayConnectionLine? boolean Controls whether to display a connection line between the fence and the full boundary. Only valid for Smooth Cut Line. Defaults to False .
sheet part (From IvCommonViewMixin) Defines the drawing sheet onto which the view is being placed. Defaults to Parent if parent is IvDrawingSheet; otherwise, defaults to the sheet containing its parent view.
viewName string (From IvCommonViewMixin) Name of the view to be displayed on the drawing below the Circular Detail View. By default, this is the displayName of the part .
viewStyle name (From IvCommonViewMixin) Specifies the display style of the View. Valid values are: :hiddenLineRemoved, :hiddenLine, :shaded, :shadedHiddenLine, and :fromBase. The default value is :fromBase.
BreakAlignmentPosition Any (From IvCommonViewMixin). By default (when this Parameter is set to NoValue), some view kinds may be aligned to the parent drawing view. Supplying the Point value to this Parameter, breaks View alignment, and repositions the View center into the Point
designViewRepresentation string (From IvCommonViewMixin) Name of a user-defined design view. This will specify the design view representation to be used to present the model in the view. Name must correspond to an existing design view. Default of "" represents the default design view of the model.
designViewAssociative boolean (From IvCommonViewMixin) Specifies whether the view should be kept associative to its specified design view representation. If this is True , then no items are allowed in the 'hiddenParts' list . Defaults to False .
hiddenParts list (From IvCommonViewMixin) List of parts to suppress. Each part of the list should be of type IvAdoptedPart or IvCustomAssemblyDocument. May not be used if 'designViewAssociative' is set to True . Defaults to an empty list .
rotationAngle number (From IvCommonViewMixin) The Circular Detail View is rotated by the specified angle around an axis perpendicular to the drawing. Defaults to 0.
showViewLabel? boolean (From IvCommonViewMixin) If True , displays the view label on the sheet, overriding the setting in the standard style. Default is NoValue.
viewLabelPosition point (From IvCommonViewMixin) If specified, overrides the default view label position from Inventor. Specify a point on the sheet in sheet coordinates. The default is NoValue.
viewLabelFormattedText string (From IvCommonViewMixin) If specified, overrides the default view label string from Inventor (as defined in the view style); default is NoValue.
origin point (From BasePart) Defines the position of the view on the drawing sheet. The reference on the view is its center point . The origin of the sheet is its lower left corner (see note below).
ignorePosition? boolean (From IvCommonViewMixin) Ignores the Origin Rule , if True . Default value is False .


Name Type Description
height number (From IvCommonViewMixin) Can be used to retrieve the height of the view. This depends on the scale entered and the displayed objects. The value is returned in project units.
width number (From IvCommonViewMixin) Can be used to retrieve the width of the view. This depends on the scale entered and the displayed objects. The value is returned in project units.

The coordinate system which applies to the origin of a view depends whether it's parent is a view or a sheet. For example, if the parent is a view, and the origin of the parent view is Point(10,10,0), then origin = Point(0,0,0) will place the view on the center of the parent view, which is Point(10,10,0) on the sheet. If the parent is a sheet, then origin = Point(0,0,0) will place the view on the lower-left corner of the sheet.

Example 1

This example creates a circular detail view named "Z", using the hiddenLine style. It uses the first element (a part ) from a list called ShelfPoints to specify the fence center point , which is placed at the location of the "Detail Point" work point . The origin of the detail view is placed offset to the up and right from the view 'Front_View'.

Child Name : Detail_Z
Child Design : IvCircularDetailView
Name Type Supplied
parentView part Front_View
viewScale number Child.parentView.viewscale * 5
fenceCenterpart part first(ShelfPoints:)
fenceCenterWorkpoint string "Detail Point"
fenceRadius number 50 * Front_View.viewScale
showViewLabel? boolean true
viewName name "Z"
viewStyle number hiddenLine
origin point Point(0,0,0) +unitx * width *0.1 + unity * height *0.1