Derived Part <IvDerivedPart>


Represents a derived part component referenced by an Inventor part file. Used to manage the relationship between the base (or skeleton) part and the part that derives from it. This is typically used as a child of another IvAdoptedPart part.



Name Type Description
InventorName string (Required) This is the name of the base part, as referenced. Typically, this is the file name of the base part.
containingPart part This identifies the part that derives from this base part. Typically this is left as the default, Parent, part.
ReferencedPart part This is the part within the model that represents the base part. As this part is modified, the reference within the derived part is updated to maintain the proper relationship.
ReferencedFile string This can be set to a file name to force a link to be established (as the base part) to a specific file. This is typically not used, in favor of the use of the ReferencedPart parameter rule .