Part Extrude Feature <IvPartExtrudeFeature>


Part Extrude Features live as children of the target IvAdoptedPart for the feature. Part Extrude Features are specified through three major categories: Derived Sketch, Extrude Extent, and Extrude Feature.

A sketch that represents the cross section of a feature. The factory part containing the sketch must be adopted into Intent. The sketch must be both visible and exported. For part extrusions, sketch placement creates a derived sketch part which is a child of the extrude feature child .

Determines the origin and termination of the extrude feature. Can be specified in one of four ways:

Note: Only one extent should be specified.

Specifies the extrude operation in one of three ways:

Also specifies positive or negative taper angle for extrusion, normal to the sketch plane.





Name Type Description
operation name Optional. Extrude operation. :Join, :Cut, or :Intersect. Default value = :Cut.
taper number Optional. Extrude taper angle. Default value = 0.
face string Name of planar face or work plane on which the derived sketch is placed.
sketchName string Name of sketch.
sketchPart part Name of the part that contains sketchName.
origin string Name of vertex or work point , where sketch origin is placed.
xAxis string Name of edge or work axis, where sketch x-axis is placed.
reverseXdirection? boolean Optional. If true , the sketch's x-direction is reversed. Default value = False .
reverseSketchNormal? boolean Optional. If true , the sketch's normal is reversed. Default value = False .
extentDirection name (Applies to Through All and distance extent) Optional. Extrude direction. :Positive, :Negative, or :Symmetric. Default value = :Negative.
distance number (Applies to distance extent) Optional. Extrude distance. Default value = 1.
toFace string (Required for From/To Face extent) Name of the termination face.
extendToFace? boolean (Applies to From/To Face extent) Optional. If true , extend toFace to fully include the extrusion. Default value = False .
fromFace string (Required for From/To Face extent) Name of origination face.
extendFromFace? boolean (Applies to From/To Face extent) Optional. If true , extend fromFace to fully include the extrusion. Default value = True .
toEntity string (Required for To Entity extent) Name of termination entity.
throughAllType name (Required for Through All extent) A value of :ThroughAll specifies a extrusion that continues indefinitely.
NameFeatureGeometry? boolean Controls whether faces, edges, and vertices created by the feature will have names assigned to them for reference by other entities.

Part Feature Entity Naming

There is an automatic entity naming mechanism for IvPartExtrudeFeature. The illustration shows the automatically-applied entity names as viewed in the Entity Naming Editor.

Example 1

This example creates a part which must be added as a child of an Assembly Document.

Name : PartExtrude_Part01
Design : Extrude_PartAdopt
Child Name : Extrude_HalfCircle_1
Child Design : :Extrude_HalfCircle
Child Name : extrudeFeature_1
Child Design : :IvPartExtrudeFeature
Name Type Supplied
distance number 8
operation name :Cut
extentDirection name :Negative
sketchPart part Extrude_HalfCircle_1
sketchName string "sketch_4"
face string "CS_plane"
origin string "CS_origin"
xAxis string "CS_xAxis"

Example 2

This example creates a part which must be added as a child of an Assembly Document.

Name : PartExtrude_Part02
Design : Extrude_PartAdopt
Child Name : Extrude_HalfCircle_1
Child Design : :Extrude_HalfCircle
Child Name : extrudeFeature_1
Child Design : :IvPartExtrudeFeature
Name Type Supplied
distance number 8
operation name :Join
extentDirection name :Positive
sketchPart part Extrude_HalfCircle_1
sketchName string "sketch_4"
face string "CS_Plane"
origin string "CS_origin"
xAxis string "CS_xAxis"

Example 3

This example creates a part which must be added as a child of an Assembly Document.

Name : PartExtrude_Part03
Design : Extrude_PartAdopt
Name Type Formula
TopPlaneOffset number 4.0
Child Name : Extrude_HalfCircle_1
Child Design : :Extrude_HalfCircle
Name Type Supplied
HexagonRad number 7.0
Child Name : IvPartExtrudeFeature_1
Child Design : :IvPartExtrudeFeature
Name Type Supplied
operation name :Join
sketchPart part Extrude_HalfCircle_1
sketchName string "sketch_4"
extentDirection name :Positive
fromFace string "Bottom Plane"
toFace string "Top Plane"
origin string "CS_origin"
face string "CS_plane"
xAxis string "CS_xAxis"