Balloon <IvBalloon>


IvBalloon creates a balloon on a drawing or view.





Name Type Description
view part Specifies the drawing view whose model contains the entity/entities identified by the balloon.
part1 part The part containing the entity to make the balloon relative to. It might be a Part occurrence. The entity name is specified in the 'entity1' parameter. Extra information is might contain in the 'intent1' parameter.
entity1 string The entity to attach balloon to, within part1. Should be a name of the face, or edge.
intent1 any Type of point , possible keywords: :startPoint, :endPoint, :midPoint, :centerPoint, :circularLeftPoint, :circularRightPoint, :circularTopPoint, :circularBottomPoint.
ClosestPoint1 point Specifies a point , in view coordinates, used to select the correct drawing curve in cases where there are several curves representing the entity. The drawing curve closest to the given point is selected. The distance is measured from the point to the center of the curve's bounding box.
PlacementPoint point Position of the balloon on the sheet.
LeaderPoints list List of Points that specify intermediate leader points. Default: {}
Style string Name of the Balloon style to use
BalloonType name Overrides the shape of the balloon: :None, :Circular, :Circular2Entries, :Hexagon, :Linear
Layer string Name of the layer to use
BalloonTextOverride string Text displayed in the Balloon. Supply the empty string or NoValue to reset the override
AttachedBalloons list List of the Parts to use for attached balloons. If you need to override the text on particular attached balloon, specify a sublist in format { part , string }
PlacementDirection name For attached balloons, specifies the layout direction: :Top, :bottom, :left, :right
VirtualComponent part Specifies the virtual component Part to set the balloon from