Torus <IvTorus>


Defines a torus. A torus is the volume formed when a circular disk is swept along a circular path. The radius of the disk is called the minor radius, and the radius of the sweeping path is called the major radius.

Although a torus whose minor radius is equal to or larger than its major radius is mathematically well-defined, such an object is self-intersecting and will produce a modeling error in Inventor. Thus the major radius should always be larger than the minor radius.

IvTorus instances can be positioned using constraints or by positioning their local coordinate system Frame. The behavior is selected by the ignorePosition? parameter, which if true (the default) selects constraint-based positioning.





Name Type Description
majorRadius number The radius of the ring of the torus. The default is 0.5.
minorRadius number The radius of the circular disk that forms the torus when swept. The default value is 0.125.
startVector vector A vector indicating the local X-axis direction for the torus. The default is the X-axis of the containing coordinate system. Only applies when ignorePosition? is false .