Exercise 2: Style the text layer

In this exercise, you style the text layer, making it bold and changing its color. There are many settings in the Style Text Layer dialog box. Most of them are tied to the feature data source and should not be changed.

Note: This exercise uses the map you edited in Exercise 1: Create a text layer.

To style the text layer

  1. In the Display Manager, select the new "Downtown Redding" text layer.

    Notice that a new Text Layer tab appears in the ribbon when you select a text layer. You use this tab later when you check in your changes to the text layer.

  2. In the Task Pane, click Style.
  3. In the Style Editor, click the cell under Style.
  4. In the Style Text Layer dialog box, make the text bold and a dark red color.

    These values provide the defaults for any text layer instances you add. You can override the defaults for an instance when you insert it.

  5. Click Apply and Close.
  6. Close the Style Editor.

To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 3: Add text to the text layer.