The lessons in this tutorial show you how to add text to your map using the following methods:
Annotation templates. Label drawing objects with information specific to each object. The annotation can include object data or linked data properties, as well as native drawing properties (such as measurement data). Add static text to explain the contents of the label. You can reuse annotation templates in other maps.
Styles. Label geospatial features with information specific to each feature. Style labels can display any property in the data store, as well as static text. Styles are saved with the current drawing.
Text layers. Add annotation that is not tied to a particular drawing layer or feature class. For example, use text layers to label large areas on the map, or add notes about the map as a whole. Text layers are saved independent from the current map. You can reuse them in other maps.
In this tutorial, you use a map called AnnotationTutorial.dwg. It contains drawing objects (roads) and geospatial features (parcels and creeks).