Export to FGDB Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to export the Map 3D layer data to a file geodatabase (FGDB) format.

Select Layers to Export

Selects the layers when exporting to a file geodatabase. You can expand or collapse all layers listed in the dialog box.

Spatial Filter

Specifies a filter.

Exports all features of the selected layers to FGDB.
Current View
Exports the features of the layers in the current map view to FGDB.
Draw Window
Exports the area enclosed in the window selection to FGDB.

Map 3D Layer

Displays the Map 3D layers in the selection set.

ArcGIS Category

Displays the geometry type that represents the feature in ArcGIS.

ArcGIS Layer Name

Specifies the ArcGIS layer name for the Map 3D layer.

Layers are used in ArcGIS to organize content. A layer name is limited to 120 characters. A layer name must begin with a letter and cannot contain reserved words, spaces, or any of the following characters: (`~@#$%^&*,;()-+=|\<>?/{}.!'[]:").