To Set Digitizing Specifications

To set digitizing specifications

  1. At the command prompt, enter mapdigisetup.
  2. In the Digitize Setup dialog box, select an object type.

    Select Nodes to digitize points or blocks. Select Linear to digitize polylines.

  3. To attach data to objects as you digitize them, select Attach Data.

    Click Data To Attach and select the table to use for the data. As you digitize the objects, you are prompted for the data to attach to the object.

  4. To change the label point for objects as you digitize them, select Prompt For Label Point.
  5. Specify the layer for new objects.
  6. Specify the block (for nodes) or the linetype (for linear objects) to use when creating the new objects.
  7. Specify whether to snap to the closest endpoint (for nodes) or insertion point (for linear objects).
  8. For nodes, select whether to specify the rotation and scale of each node block.

    For linear objects, select whether the objects are 2D or 3D. For 2D objects, specify a width.

  9. Click OK to close the dialog box and save your settings.