To Migrate GIS Data (Bulk Copy)

Use Bulk Copy to copy data from one feature source to another, either in the same format or in a different one.

To copy data from one feature source to another

  1. In Map Explorer, click ToolsBulk Copy.
  2. In the Bulk Copy dialog box, under From, select a feature source in the Connection Name list. This is the source, from which the data will be copied.

    Select from all Display Manager layers and connected feature sources.

    You can also drag the originating feature source onto the target source in the Data Connect dialog box to initiate a Bulk Copy. The item you drag becomes the From entry and the item you drop it on becomes the To entry.

  3. If the selected feature source supports versioning, select a version in its Version list.
  4. Under To, select the destination feature source in the top list.
  5. If the destination feature source supports versioning, select a version in its Version list.

    The schema trees in Bulk Copy update automatically as you make your choices.

  6. Under Select Items To Copy, check the boxes for the individual schemas, features classes, and properties to copy to the destination feature source.

    In the right-hand tree, AutoCAD Map 3D toolset displays a default name for the item. Select the default name and enter a different one if you want.

    The Info area displays the Class (or Connection), Source Coordinate System, Filter Info, and Target Coordinate System.

  7. Select the error types to ignore during processing. For any error types whose boxes are not selected, Bulk Copy stops processing and reports errors when they occur.
  8. To save the current settings in an XML mapping file, click Save under Schema Mapping. Click Load to open a saved mapping file.
  9. To begin the Bulk Copy operation, click Copy Now.

    The data for the specified schema elements is copied from the source feature source to the destination feature source.