MAPMPEDIT (Edit Polygon command)

Use this command to modify a polygon object.

You can add, delete, and move polygon boundaries, edit nodes, convert a boundary to an object, change a boundary type, change the fill color or pattern, and rebalance the polygon.

Respond to the prompts:

Select polygon:

Use any object selection method.

Enter an option [Add/Delete/Move/Edit/disConnect/Boundary type/Fill/Rebalance/eXit]:

Enter the letter of the option you want.


Enter a to add a boundary to the polygon. Respond to the prompt:

Select new boundary:

Select the object to use as the new boundary. The object can be a polygon, rectangle, circle, or another mpolygon.

The new boundary is added to the polygon.


Enter d to delete a boundary from the polygon. Respond to the prompt:

Select boundary:

Select the boundary to delete from the current polygon. If it is a complex polygon, you can select additional boundaries. When you finish, press Enter.

The selected boundaries are deleted from the polygon. Enter r to rebalance the polygon.


Enter m to move a boundary. Respond to the prompts:

Select boundary:

Select the boundary to move. If it is a complex polygon, you can select additional boundaries. When you finish selecting boundaries, press Enter.

Select Basepoint or displacement:

Select the starting point for the move.

Specify second point of displacement or <use first point as displacement>:

Select the ending point for the move.

The selected boundaries are moved according to the distance and direction between the basepoint and the second point of displacement.


Enter e to edit a boundary. Respond to the prompts:

Select boundary:

Select the boundary to edit.

Enter a node editing option [Next/Previous/Remove/Insert/Move/eXit]:

Enter the letter of the option you want.

  • Enter n to move to the next node.
  • Enter p to move to the previous node.
  • Enter r to remove the current node. You cannot remove a node if the resulting new line would cross another boundary in the current polygon.
  • Enter i to insert a node before the current node. Note that you cannot insert a node if the resulting new line would cross another boundary in the current polygon.
  • Enter m to move the current node. You cannot move a node so that the current boundary crosses another boundary in the current polygon.
  • Enter x to exit node-editing mode.


Enter c to disconnect a boundary from the polygon, but preserve the boundary object. Respond to the prompt:

Select boundary:

Select the boundary to disconnect.

The boundary is deleted from the polygon, but remains in the drawing as a polyline or circle object.

If you disconnect a boundary that has nested boundaries, all the nested boundaries are also disconnected.

Boundary type

Enter b to change the boundary type for a boundary. Respond to the prompts:

Select boundary:

Select the boundary whose type you want to change.

Enter boundary type [Outer/Inner/Annotation] <Outer>:

Enter o to make the selected boundary an outer boundary, enter i to the make it an inner boundary, or enter a to make it an annotation boundary.

Annotation boundaries behave the same as inner boundaries, but have no effect on area calculations.


Enter f to change the fill for the polygon. This displays the Polygon Fill Properties dialog box, where you can select a hatch pattern or a gradient fill.


Enter r to rebalance the polygon. The polygon is rebalanced so the nesting order follows an alternating outer/inner/outer order.


Enter u to undo the last action.


Enter x to exit the mapmpedit command.