Use dot variables to represent object properties. For example, use the .LENGTH variable in a property alteration to have AutoCAD Map 3D toolset add text to all lines specifying their length. In an output report, use the .TYPE variable to list the type of objects in your report.
Expression | Description |
.ANGLE | For most objects, returns the angle in the XY plane. For ellipse objects, returns the angle of the major axis; for point objects, returns the ECS rotation; for trace objects, returns the angle between the middle points of the start and end edges; for circle objects, returns the angle of the circle normal projected plus PI/2 onto the WCSmdash;if no ECS, returns 0; for objects with 1 or 0 grip points, returns 0; for attdef, text, mtext, insert, shape, and raster images objects, returns rotation. |
.AREA | Area of a closed polyline or circle. Topology queries only: Value of AREA object data field for each polygon. |
.BLOCKNAME | Name of a block. |
.BULGE | Bulge factor for a polyline segment. |
.CENTER | Center point of an object's extents. If the object is a polygon (a closed polyline), this coordinate is always inside the closed area regardless of the area's dimension. |
.CENTROID | Center point of an object's extents; that is, the intersection of the diagonals of its bounding rectangle. |
.CLASSNAME | Object class name. |
.COLOR | ACI color of an AutoCAD Map 3D toolset object.Color BYLAYER evaluates as 256.Color BYBLOCK evaluates as 0. |
.DWGNAME | Name of the object's source drawing. Topology queries only: Name of the geometry object's source drawing. |
.EANGLE | Ending angle of an arc object, using radians, interpreted from the coordinate space where the object exists. |
.EHANDLE | Handle of the queried object. |
.ELEVATION | Value for the Z coordinate. |
.EWIDTH | Ending width of a polyline. Does not adjust to the ending width of individual polyline segments. |
.HEIGHT | Height of a text object. |
.LABELPT | Location for text associated with an object. |
.LAYER | Layer of an object. |
.LENGTH | Length of a line, arc, polyline, or circle. Circle length is given as the circle circumference. |
.LINETYPE | Linetype of an object. |
.LINEWEIGHT | Lineweight of an object. |
.LOCKSTAT | User responsible for the lock. |
.PERIMETER | Topology queries only: Value of PERIMETER object data field for each polygon. |
.PLOTSTYLE | Plotstyle of an object. |
.RADIUS | Radius of a circle. |
.ROTATION | Rotation angle of a block or text, using radians. |
.SANGLE | Starting angle of an arc, using radians, interpreted from the coordinate space where the object exists. |
.SHAPENAME | Name of an AutoCAD Map 3D toolset shape. |
.SIZE | Size of an AutoCAD Map 3D toolset shape. |
.STRING | Value of a string (can be the value of an attribute or text). |
.STYLE | Style of a text string or attribute. |
.SWIDTH | Starting width of a polyline. |
.TAG | All AutoCAD Map 3D toolset attribute tags for an object. Usually used with .STRING to return an attribute tag and its string value (that is, .TAG, .STRING). |
.THICKNESS | AutoCAD Map 3D toolset thickness of an object. |
.TOPONAME | Topology name (Topology queries only). |
.TOPOTYPE | Topology type: NODE, NETWORK, or POLYGON (Topology queries only). |
.TRUECOLOR | True color or color book value of an AutoCAD Map 3D toolset object. |
.TYPE | AutoCAD Map 3D toolset object type. |
.URL | URL information linked to an object. An object with no URL link returns nil. Note:
An object can take only one URL. URL data can be entered in the following formats: http://servername/pathname/filename.dwg ftp://servername/pathname/filename.dwg file://drive/pathname/filename.dwg |
.X1, .Y1, .Z1 | Components of a line's starting point--X, Y, or Z. |
.X2, .Y2, .Z2 | Components of a line's ending point--X, Y, or Z. |
.X3, .Y3, .Z3 | Third definition point of a shape or three-dimensional face. If used on any other object, returns nil. |
.X4, .Y4, .Z4 | Fourth definition point of a shape or three-dimensional face. If used on any other object, returns nil. |
.XSCALE | Scale factor along the X axis, interpreted using the coordinate space where the object exists. |
.YSCALE | Scale factor along the Y axis, interpreted using the coordinate space where the object exists. |
.ZSCALE | Scale factor along the Z axis, interpreted using the coordinate space where the object exists. |
All numeric return values are in decimals.