Raster Extension Options dialog box

Use this dialog box to configure options for raster images you insert with the Insert An Image dialog box.

Configure raster image options using the following tabs:


Use the Paths tab to set the directory for resource files. Resource files store information about an image insertion point, scale, rotation, and density. Resource files have the same base name as the raster image with an .res extension.

Resource File Directory

Specify the directory where AutoCAD Map 3D toolset searches for resource files. Click to locate a directory. This directory applies only to resource (.res) files and not to other correlation sources.

When you insert an image, AutoCAD Map 3D toolset looks for a resource file associated with the image in the Resource File Directory path. If it locates a resource file, you can select it as the source of correlation information. If you leave the resource file path blank, AutoCAD Map 3D toolset searches the directory or directories the images were inserted from.

Use Resource File Directory Before Using Image Directory

Informs AutoCAD Map 3D toolset to search for resource files in the resource file directory before searching the image path stored in the drawing.


Use the General tab to set how frames are displayed, the display quality of images, image detach options, and the Shift + left-click setting.

Display Preferences

Image Frame list

Specify how AutoCAD Map 3D toolset displays the image frames in your drawing. Hide the frames by selecting Frames Off, display frames in front of the images by selecting Frame Drawn Above Image, or display frames behind the images by selecting Frame Drawn Below Image.

Display Quality High

Dither the pixels onscreen so that the changes between shades and colors are more gradual. This setting is recommended for color and grayscale images.

Display Quality Draft option

Do not dither the pixels. This setting is recommended for bitonal images.

Image Detach Preferences

Ask Before Detach

Have AutoCAD Map 3D toolset prompt you to detach an image if there are no more frames in the drawing that reference the image.

Always Detach

Automatically detach an image when you erase the image frames.

Never Detach

Keep the image attached, even if you erase the frames.

Shift + Left Click

Shift + Left Click Image Select

Enable selection of images by placing your cursor over them and clicking the left mouse button while pressing Shift. This feature is useful when you are zoomed in to the image and cannot see the image frame.

Image Defaults

Use the Image Defaults tab to set correlation defaults. Most images have correlation data that is stored in the image file header, or in a resource file, World file, or tab file. However, some images may not have any correlation data. For those cases, you can specify default correlation data. In addition, if the correlation source does not include information on the scale or the density, AutoCAD Map 3D toolset uses the default values on this tab when inserting the image.

Tip: Setting the correlation defaults can save you time if you have multiple images that require the same insertion point, scale, rotation, and density.

Insertion Values


Enter the default AutoCAD Map 3D toolset X coordinate to define the lower-left corner of images.


Enter the default AutoCAD Map 3D toolset Y coordinate to define the lower-left corner of images.


Enter the default AutoCAD Map 3D toolset Z coordinate to define the lower-left corner of images.


Enter a default rotation for images.


Enter a default numeric scaling factor for images. For example, to make the image twice as large, enter 2 in the Scale box.



Type a default density (or resolution) for images. You should set the this value to the most common density value at which your images are scanned.

Insertion Point and Density Units list

Select the default insertion point and density units for the images. For example, a common North American scanning resolution is 300 dpi (300 dots per inch). To set this value as your default density, type 300 in the Density edit box and select inches as the Units. If you insert images that have density value and density unit information stored in the correlation source, then these defaults are not used.

For an illustration of how to set the density value and units for an image, see To Set Image Density.


Use the Memory tab to specify the amount of memory (RAM) that AutoCAD Map 3D toolset can use for images before using a temporary swap file. You can also define the location of the temporary swap file.

Temporary File Location

Temporary File Location

The location to use for your temporary swap file. Click to locate a drive and directory. AutoCAD Map 3D toolset uses this temporary swap file when the memory limit has been exceeded.

Note: Close and restart AutoCAD Map 3D toolset to put these settings into effect.

RAM Settings

Physical RAM

View the amount of physical RAM in your system.

Memory Limit

View the amount of RAM that AutoCAD Map 3D toolset will use before creating a swap file.

Note: Increasing the default amount may degrade your system’s performance. Be sure to leave enough RAM for your operating system and other applications.

Restore the memory setting to the default RAM amount, 25% of the total physical memory.

MB, KB, and Bytes

Specify the units (megabytes, kilobytes, or bytes) for defining the Memory Limit.