Point Mapping dialog box

Use this dialog box to specify how to import points for the selected layer. This is sometimes called a schema, level, or file.

Create As Points

Convert points using ACAD_POINT.

Create As Text From Data

Convert points as text. Select the data field in the incoming file that contains the value to use for the text. If an object does not have a value in the selected data field, the point will be imported using ACAD_POINT.

Text will use the text style for the current drawing. To change the text style for the current drawing, click Text Style.

Create As Blocks

Convert points as blocks. Select the block to use.

Get Block Name From Data

Convert points as blocks and uses a block name stored in attribute data. Select the data field in the incoming file that contains the value to use for the block name. If the block does not exist, the point will be imported using ACAD_POINT.

Get Attribute Values From Fields

Import attribute values attached to the incoming points. If an attribute name on the block that is being created matches a field name on the incoming point, the data for that attribute will be imported with the point. This option is available only if you select either Create As Blocks or Get Block Name From Data.