About Importing and Exporting INI Files

You can modify the following .ini files:

Exporting to ArcView Shape Files

If you are exporting to ArcView Shape files, you can treat it as a folder-based format. To do this, you must modify the following items in the MapExport.ini file:

If you modify these items, be sure to modify them only for a driver that supports this change.

Segmenting Certain Entity Types When Exporting

When you export splines and polylines with bulges, they are broken into polyline segments. The SegmentationDegrees option determines the number of degrees used for segmentation. By default, SegmentationDegrees is 2 degrees.

In addition, when you exporting to a file format that does not support arcs or ellipses, such as Shape or Coverage, or does not support ellipses that have axes at an angle, such as MIF/MID, you can further modify the segmentation by changing the value for FME_ARC_DEGREES_PER_EDGE. By default, FME_ARC_DEGREES_PER_EDGE is 5 degrees.

You can change SegmentationDegrees and FME_ARC_DEGREES_PER_EDGE to be larger or smaller.

You can also set the arc-chord distance in layer units using FME_ARC_CHORD_DISTANCE. If this value is higher than zero, it overrides the arc degrees per edge setting. If the arc-chord setting is too high, the arc will be exported as a straight line.

Note: You can set arc segmentation settings under [Options] and in the [FDO-GEN], [SHP], [FDO_SHP], [FDO_SDF] and [FDO_SQLITE] sections. It is best to use the same value in the [Options] section that you use in the various FDO sections.

Exporting to MicroStation DGN Files

When exporting to DGN files, AutoCAD Map 3D toolset reads a seed file to determine default information, such as whether the destination DGN file is be in imperial units or metric and whether the file is 2D or 3D. There are separate seed files for DGn version 7 and version 8. For more information about seed files, see About Exporting MicroStation DGN Files.

To change the default units of measure (or other defaults), you must change the default seed files specified in the MapExport.ini file.

Specifying the File and Folder Selection Options to Use for Import

By default, when you import ArcView Shape files, MapInfo MIF/MID, MapInfo TAB, or VPF files, you can select one or more files in a folder to import. This is called multi-select.

If you want, you can change the settings in the mapimport.ini file so that these formats are considered folder-based formats (you select a folder and all the files in the folder are imported) or single-select formats (only one file can be selected for import). Note that VPF can be folder-based or multi-select only.

Importing DGN Cells

When you import data from a DGN file, you can specify many of the DGN import options available in Driver Options.

Importing Object Colors as RGB (True Color) Colors

By default, objects are imported using the ACI (AutoCAD Color Index) color. When you import from DGN or MIF/MID, you can specify that objects maintain their RGB color values.

Even if you import using RGB colors, white objects are always imported to the ACI White, which displays white on a black background and black on a white background. Black objects are assigned the ByLayer color. If you want to export objects to MIF/MID as black, change the layer color to black before exporting.

Note that if your Model Tab Background color is something other than Black or White and you import using RGB colors, you may not be able to see objects whose color is close to the background color.

Language Encoding Settings for Importing and Exporting GML Data

When exporting GML data in Asian languages, you must verify that mapexport.ini contains the language encoding settings needed to export valid GML data for the language you want.

Using Fixed schema mode when exporting is recommended, as it can recognize certain multi-byte characters that can be problematic in Create mode.

When importing GML data in Asian languages, you must verify that the language encoding settings specified in AutoCAD Map 3D toolset’s mapimport.ini file match the settings in your incoming file. The settings must match for the import to be successful.

Adding Custom Tags

If you are familiar with the options for a driver, you can add custom tags. Use the format:


Where XXX is the code you want to send to the driver. Add the line to the appropriate section of the MapExport.ini file. Incorrect tags will have unpredictable results.

Location of the .ini File

When exporting, AutoCAD Map 3D toolset looks first for the .ini file in the current directory. If no .ini file is there, it uses the .ini file in the C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2023\Rnnn folder. To always use the same settings, do not create additional .ini files.

Changing Font, Line Style, Line Weight, or Justification

You can set several formatting options in the mapforeignfileproperties.ini file. Use the [DGN_V7_FieldMappping] or [DGN_V8_FieldMapping] section to enable a particular formatting option:

DGN Fonts

Use the [DGN_V7_Font] section or [DGN_V8_Font] section to map DGN font numbers to textstyles that you've defined.

DGN Line Styles

Use the [DGN_V7_LineStyle] or [DGN_V8_LineStyle] section to map DGN line styles to line styles loaded in the AutoCAD Map 3D toolset drawing.

DGN Line Weight

Use the [DGN_V7_LineWeight] or [DGN_V8_LineWeight] section to map DGN lineweights to allowable AutoCAD Map 3D toolset lineweight values.

The DGN line weight range is 0-31. AutoCAD Map 3D toolset line weights are in 100ths of a millimeter and only the following values are supported: 0, 5, 9, 13, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 53, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 106, 120, 140, 158, 200, 211, -1, -2 and -3. The AutoCAD Map 3D toolset values -1, -2, and -3 indicate ByLayer, ByBlock, and by line weight default respectively.

DGN Justification

Use the [DGN_V7_Justification] or [DGN_V8_Justification] section to map the DGN justification to AutoCAD vertical and horizontal modes or AutoCAD attachment.

DGN justification values range from 0-14:

0 is Left/Top, 8 is Center/Bottom, 1 is Left/Center, 9 is Right Margin/Top, 2 is Left/Bottom, 10 is Right Margin/Center, 3 is Left Margin/Top, 11 is Right Margin/Bottom, 4 is Left Margin/Center, 12 is Right/Top, 5 is Center/Bottom, 13 is Right/Center, 6 is Center/Top, 14 is Right/Bottom, 7 is Center/Center, Default is 5

The following values are supported for AutoCAD Map 3D toolset justifications:

TopLeft, TopCenter, TopRight, MiddleLeft, MiddleCenter, MiddleRight, BottomLeft, BottomCenter, BottomRight, BaseLeft, BaseCenter, BaseRight, BaseAlign, BottomAlign, MiddleAlign, TopAlign, BaseFit, BottomFit, MiddleFit, TopFit, BaseMid, BottomMid, MiddleMid, TopMid

MIF Justification

Use the [MIF_Justification] section to set justification for MIF. Allowed MIF Justifications are left, center, and right.

When importing from MIF to AutoCAD Map 3D toolset, the last mapping in the table is used.

Arc/INFO and E00 Justification

Use the [ARCINFO_Justification] and [E00_Justification] sections to set justification for Arc/INFO and E00.

When importing from Arc/INFO or E00 to AutoCAD Map 3D toolset, the last mapping in the table is used.