Table Filter dialog box

Use this dialog box to select records from the database table.

When you apply the filter, the Data View searches the current database table and displays only records that match the specified conditions.

To edit an existing condition, select the line in the SQL Filter list. Edit the information in the Where Condition area. When you finish editing, click Update.

To add a new line, select a joining operator (And/Or/Not). Select a column and an operator and specify a value. When you finish, click Add.

SQL Filter area

View the current filter. If lines in the filter were grouped, the group is indented.


Group the selected conditions. Conditions in the group are evaluated before other conditions.


Delete the parentheses from the selected line and from the matching ending or beginning line of the group.


Delete the selected condition.

Clear All

Delete all conditions.

Where Condition area

Use the Where Condition area to edit an existing condition in the filter or to add a new condition.


Specify that both conditions must be met for the object to be included in the query.


Specify that either condition can be met for the object to be included in the query.


Specify And Not if the first condition must be met and the second condition must not be met for the object to be included in the query. Specify Or Not if either the first condition can be met or the second condition cannot be met for the object to be included in the query.

For the very first condition in the list, do not specify And or Or. You can select Not.


View columns from the current table.


Specify how to test the values in the column.

Operator Description
= The value of the selected column is equal to the value you enter in the Value box.
> The value of the selected column is greater than the value you enter in the Value box.
>= The value of the selected column is greater than or equal to the value you enter in the Value box.
< The value of the selected column is less than the value you enter in the Value box.
<= The value of the selected column is less than or equal to the value you enter in the Value box.
<> The value of the selected column is not equal to the value you enter in the Value box.
IN The selected column is linked to the object and contains the specified value. If you specify multiple values, separate each value with a comma. Enclose values in single quotes, for example, '1','2','3'.
IS NULL The selected column is linked to the object and is empty. Do not enter a value in the Value box.
LIKE The selected column is linked to the object and contains part of the value specified. Applies to string (character) data types only. Use the percent sign (%) as a wild-card character in the Value box.

For information on the wild-card characters supported by your database system, refer to the documentation for your database system software.


Specify the value to search for. To select from a list of existing values in the column, click . To use wild-card characters for string values, select LIKE.

For example, type B% to find all values that begin with the letter B.


Add the condition line to the SQL Filter list.


Replace the selected condition in the SQL Filter list with the new condition.

To use a filter you previously defined for this table, click History at the bottom of the screen. Select the filter from the list.