Import Data Options dialog box (MAPIMPORT4)

This dialog box was used to specify how objects and data in the import file are imported into AutoCAD Map 3D toolset. It has been discontinued.


Convert the selected file.


Close the dialog box but keep the current import options.

Import Graphics Area

Perform Coordinate Conversion

Convert the file from one coordinate system to another. Click Define to display the Coordinate System Translation dialog box.

Map Data Element To Layers

Use the attribute data in the import file to determine the target layer for the AutoCAD Map 3D toolset objects that are created.

Click Layers to display the Map Data Elements to Layers dialog box, where you can map the values for a selected data element to specific layers in the output file.

Map Data Element To Block Name

Use the attribute data in the import file to determine the target block name for point and polygon centroid objects that are created.

Click Blocks to display the Map Data Elements to Block Name dialog box, where you can map the values for a selected data element to specific block names in the output file.

Import Data Elements Area

Ignore Data Elements

Ignore attribute data in the import file (other than data that is used in layer and block name mapping).

Select this option if you do not want to convert the attribute data to object data or create links to SQL tables. Only the graphical objects in the file will be converted.

Map Data Elements To Object Data

Convert the attribute data in the import file to object data.

Click Data to display the Object Data Table dialog box, where you can select the name of an existing object data table or create a new one.

Map Data Elements To SQL Table

Use the attribute data in the import file to create links to existing SQL tables or to create new tables.

Click SQL to display the Map Data Elements to SQL dialog box, where you can map specific data elements to specific columns in an external database.

Options Area


Use import settings that you previously saved.


Save the current settings so you can use them again.