To Clean Up Drawing Data

Use Drawing Cleanup to correct common geometry errors resulting from surveying, digitizing, and scanning before you define a topology, perform a map analysis, plot a map, or export to a geospatial data format.

To clean up objects in a map

  1. Open the drawing containing the objects to clean or query the objects into the current drawing.
  2. Because your map may be altered during the cleanup operation, back up your data before starting.
  3. Click Tools tabMap Edit panelClean Up. Find
  4. In the Drawing Cleanup dialog box, follow these steps:
    • Selecting and Anchoring Objects. Select the objects to include in the cleanup operation and the objects to anchor. Click Next.
    • Setting Cleanup Options. Select cleanup actions and set the parameters for each action you select. Specify whether to correct errors automatically or to review and confirm each correction. Click Next.
    • Converting Objects After Cleanup. Specify how to treat the original objects after the cleanup operation is complete. Click Next.
    • Setting Markers for Interactive Mode. If you selected Interactive mode in Setting Cleanup Options to review error corrections, specify the error markers to use. Click Next.
    • Saving Cleanup Settings. To save your settings as a profile, click Save.
  5. Click Finish.

    AutoCAD Map 3D toolset performs the cleanup with the options and values you specified.

  6. Depending on whether you selected Interactive or Automatic, AutoCAD Map 3D toolset does one of the following:
    • If you selected Interactive mode, AutoCAD Map 3D toolset displays a list of detected errors. You can review the errors and decide how to handle them. For example, you can place markers on the errors, correct them, or ignore them.
    • If you selected Automatic mode, AutoCAD Map 3D toolset corrects all detected errors automatically and reports a summary of the results on the command line.