<array> polyop.getFaceVerts <Poly poly> <int face>
Returns the face's vertices as an array. The order of the vertices in the array corresponds to the order of the vertices in the face.
<array_array> polyop.getFacesVerts <Poly poly> <facelist>
Available in 3ds Max 2018.2 and higher: Returns the vertices of each of the specified faces as an array of arrays. The order of the vertices in the arrays corresponds to the order of the vertices in the face.
<array> polyop.getFaceEdges <Poly poly> <int face>
Returns the face's edges as an array. The order of the edges in the array corresponds to the order of the edges in the face.
<array_array> polyop.getFacesEdges <Poly poly> <facelist>
Available in 3ds Max 2018.2 and higher: Returns the edges of each of the specified faces as an array of arrays. The order of the edges in the array corresponds to the order of the edges in the face.
polyop.getFaceDeg <Poly poly> <int face>
Returns the number of vertices in the specified face.