MusclePatch : Helper

This Helper Object is part of 3ds Max CAT.


Class instances not creatable by MAXScript

MusclePatch interfaces:

Interface: CATMuscle Functions 


 .DeformerType : String : Read|Write 

Get/set the Deformer Type as a string.

 .MuscleName : String : Read|Write 

Get/set the Muscle name as a string.

 .Colour : color : Read|Write 

Get/set the color of the Muscle.

.LMR : integer : Read|Write 

Get/set the location of the Muscle inside the CATRig.

Possible values are:

-1 = Left

0 = Middle

1 = Right

.NumUSegs : integer : Read|Write 

Get/set the number of U segments.

 .NumVSegs : integer : Read|Write 

Get/set the number of V segments.

 .HandleSize : float : Read|Write 

Get/set the handle size of the muscle.

 .HandlesVisible : boolean : Read|Write

Get/set whether the handles are visible or not.

 .MiddleHandles : boolean : Read|Write 

Get/set whether to use middle handles or not.

 .Handles : node by value array : Read 

Contains a read-only array of Muscle Handles.

 .NumCollisionObjects : integer : Read 

Get/set Contains the number of collision objects.

See the methods below for adding and removing collision objects.


 <void>AddCollisionObject <node>sphere 

Adds a collision object .

 <void>RemoveCollisionObject <index>index 

Removes the indexed collision object .

 <node>GetCollisionObject <index>index 

Returns the indexed collision object.

 <float>GetCollisionObjectDistortion <index>index 

Returns the indexed collision object's Distortion value.

 <void>SetCollisionObjectDistortion <index>index <float>value 

Sets the indexed collision object's Distortion value to the floating point value supplied as second argument.

 <float>GetCollisionObjectHardness <index>index 

Returns the indexed collision object's Hardness value.

 <void>SetCollisionObjectHardness <index>index <float>value 

Sets the indexed collision object's Hardness value to the floating point value supplied as second argument.

 <void>MoveCollisionObjectUp <index>index 

Moves the indexed collision object up on the collision objects list.

 <void>MoveCollisionObjectDown <index>index 

Moves the indexed collision object down on the collision objects list.

 <void>PasteMuscle <maxObject>SourceMuscle 

Pastes the muscle provided by the argument.