Muscle_Strand - superclass: helper; super-superclass:node - 10:10 - classID: #(131020930, 1206916674)
This Helper Object is part of 3ds Max CAT.
Muscle_Strand... MuscleStrand...
<Muscle_Strand>.CurrentLength Float default: -4.31602e+008 -- float;
Contains the current length of the Muscle Strand.
<Muscle_Strand>.CurrentScale Float default: 1.0 -- float;
Contains the current scale of the Muscle Strand.
<Muscle_Strand>.DefaultLength Float default: 0.0 -- float;
Get/set the default length of the Muscle Strand.
<Muscle_Strand>.Handles Array default: #($Muscle_Handle:Muscle Strand001M_Start @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:Muscle Strand001M_StartHdl @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:Muscle Strand001M_End @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:Muscle Strand001M_EndHdl @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]) -- node by value array;
Contains an array of Muscle_Handle objects
<Muscle_Strand>.HandleSize Float default: 10.0 -- float
Get/set the size of the Muscle Handles.
<Muscle_Strand>.HandlesVisible BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
Get/set the state of the visibility option of the Muscle Handles.
<Muscle_Strand>.LMR Integer default: 0 -- integer
Get/set the location of the Muscle Strand within the rig.
Possible values are:
-1 - left
0 - center
1 - right
<Muscle_Strand>.NumSpheres Integer default: 7 -- integer
Get/set the number of spheres used to approximate the shape of the muscle.
<Muscle_Strand>.SquashStretch BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the squash/stretch option of the Muscle Strand.
<Muscle_Strand>.SquashStretchScale Float default: 1.0 -- float
Get/set the Squash/Stretch Scale value of the Muscle Strand.
Muscle_Strand interfaces:
Interface: CATMuscleStrand Functions
.LMR : integer : Read|Write
Get/set the location of the Muscle Strand within the rig.
Possible values are:
-1 - left
0 - center
1 - right
.HandleSize : float : Read|Write
Get/set the handle size of the muscle.
.HandlesVisible : boolean : Read|Write
Get/set whether the handles are visible or not.
.Handles : node by value array : Read
Contains an array of Muscle_Handle objects
.NumSpheres : integer : Read|Write
Get/set the number of spheres used to approximate the shape of the muscle.
.CurrentLength : float : Read
Contains the current length of the Muscle Strand.
.CurrentScale : float : Read
Contains the current scale of the Muscle Strand.
.SquashStretch : boolean : Read|Write
Get/set the state of the squash/stretch option of the Muscle Strand.
.DefaultLength : float : Read|Write
Get/set the default length of the Muscle Strand.
.SquashStretchScale: float : Read|Write
Get/set the Squash/Stretch Scale value of the Muscle Strand.
<void>PasteStand <maxObject>SourceStrand
Pastes the settings from the source strand supplied as first argument.
<float>GetSphereRadius <index>index
Returns the Sphere readius of the indexed sphere.
<void>SetSphereRadius <index>index <float>value
Sets the readius of the indexed sphere to the valuesupplied as second argument.
<float>GetSphereUStart <index>index
Returns the U Start of the indexed sphere.
<void>SetSphereUStart <index>index <float>value
SetstheU Startof the indexed sphereto the value supplied as second argument.
<float>GetSphereUEnd <index>index
Returns theU Endof the indexed sphere.
<void>SetSphereUEnd <index>index <float>value
Sets the U End of the indexed sphere to the value supplied as second argument.