Particle_Face_Creator : modifier

Particle_Face_Creator - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 18:0 - classID: #(471214040, 669930697)


The Particle_Face_Creator Modifier uses particle positions to hide and reveal mesh geometry. As particles move past the geometry, parts of it melt away and then reappear in a natural-looking sequence. This is a result of the modifier's ability to adjust the geometry in a way that obscures the underlying face topology.

Available in 3ds Max 2014 and higher.




<Particle_Face_Creator>.Type     Integer    default: 0   --  integer

Get/set the selection of the "Type" drop-down list.

Possible values are:

0 - Create (default)

1 - Dissolve

Timing group of controls

<Particle_Face_Creator>.Before_Hide     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean

Get/set the state of the "Hide Before Time On" checkbox.

<Particle_Face_Creator>.Time_On     Integer    default: 0   --  integer

Get/set the value of the "Time On" spinner.

<Particle_Face_Creator>.Use_Time_Off     BooleanClass    default: false   --  boolean

Get/set the state of the "Time Off" checkbox.

<Particle_Face_Creator>.Time_Off     Integer    default: 9600   --  integer

Get/set the value of the "Time Off" spinner.

<Particle_Face_Creator>.After_Hide     BooleanClass    default: false   --  boolean

Get/set the state of the "Hide After Time Off" checkbox.

Particle Flow Systems group of controls

<Particle_Face_Creator>.Particle_Flow_Systems     ArrayParameter    default: #()   --  node array; SubAnim

Get/set the array of Particle Flow systems to use.

<Particle_Face_Creator>.All_Particle_Flow_Events     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean

Get/set the state of the "All Particle Flow Events" checkbox.

Particle Flow Events group of controls

<Particle_Face_Creator>.Particle_Flow_Events     ArrayParameter    default: #()   --  node array; SubAnim

Get/set the array of Particle Flow Events to use.

Applicable only when .All_Particle_Flow_Events is set to False.

Particles For Face Creation group of controls

<Particle_Face_Creator>.Zone_Size     Float    default: 1.0   --  animatable; worldUnits

Get/set the value of the "Zone Size" spinner.

<Particle_Face_Creator>.Blend_Particles     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean

Get/set the state of the "Blend Particles" checkbox.

<Particle_Face_Creator>.Zone_Weight     Float    default: 100.0   --  animatable; percent; Controller Scaling: (1 : 100.0)

Get/set the value of the "Weight %" spinner.

<Particle_Face_Creator>.Multiply_By_Scale     BooleanClass    default: true   --  boolean

Get/set the state of the "Multiply by Particle Scale" checkbox.

<Particle_Face_Creator>.Scale_Influence     Float    default: 50.0   --  animatable; percent; Controller Scaling: (1 : 100.0)

Get/set the value of the "Influence %" spinner.

Edge Split Precision group of controls

<Particle_Face_Creator>.Split_Precision_Type     Integer    default: 0   --  radiobtnIndex; Edge_Split_Precision_Type

Get/set the state of the "Edge Split Precision" radio buttons.

Possible values are:

0 - Relative % (default)

1 - Absolute

<Particle_Face_Creator>.Relative_Precision     Float    default: 75.0   --  animatable; percent; Controller Scaling: (1 : 100.0)

Get/set the value of the "Relative %" spinner.

<Particle_Face_Creator>.Absolute_Precision     Float    default: 0.1   --  animatable; worldUnits

Get/set the value of the "Absolute" spinner.

Parameters Animation group of controls

<Particle_Face_Creator>.Sync_Type     Integer    default: 0   --  integer; Sync_By_Type

Get/set the selection of the "Sync By" drop-down list.

Possible values are:

0 - Absolute Time (default)

1 - Particle Age

2 - Event Duration