Global_Motion_Clip : DriverBlockController

Global_Motion_Clip - superclass: DriverBlockController; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 0:0 - classID: #(936531797, 663513431) 


Global_Motion_Clip GlobalMotionClip 

Related Methods

globalMotionClipOps.loadfile <global_motion_clip> <filename_string> 

'loadfile' expects a GlobalMotionClip, then a filename for a "*.ant" GlobalMotionClip file to load.

globalMotionClipOps.savefile <global_motion_clip> <filename_string> 

'savefile' expects a GlobalMotionClip, then a filename for the "*.ant" file to save.

globalMotionClipOps.synthesize <global_motion_clip> 

'synthesize' expects a GlobalMotionClip and will synthesize it.

Note: The GlobalMotionClip objects are found under the GlobalTracks.Block_Control list controller.


In order to call globalMotionClipOps.savefile, you could use

   GlobalMotionClipOps.savefile GlobalTracks.Block_Control.global_Motion_Clip__XXXXXX"globalObject.ant"
   --where XXXXXX is the name of the object.

The available global motion clips can be seen by using the following code:

   for i = 1 to GlobalTracks.Block_Control.numsubs do
   localcontroller =GlobalTracks.Block_Control[i].object
   if (classof controller == Global_Motion_Clip) do print controller 