Extrude - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - classID: #(160, 0)
Extrude ...
<Extrude>.amount Float default: 25.0 -- animatable
The depth of the extrusion.
<Extrude>.segs Integer default: 1 -- animatable, alias: segments
The number of segments that will be created in the extruded object.
<Extrude>.capStart Boolean default: true
When on, generates a flat surface over the start of the extruded object.
<Extrude>.capEnd Boolean default: true
When on, generates a flat surface over the end of the extruded object.
<Extrude>.capType Integer default: 0
Cap type:
0 - Morph (Arranges cap faces in a predictable, repeatable pattern, which is necessary for creating morph targets. Morph capping can generate long, thin faces that don’d t render or deform as well as grid capping. Use morph capping primarily if you’re extruding multiple morph targets.)
1 - Grid (Arranges cap faces in a square grid trimmed at the shape boundaries. This method produces a surface of evenly sized faces that can be deformed easily by other modifiers. When you choose the Grid capping option, the grid lines are hidden edges rather than visible edges.)
<Extrude>.output Integer default: 1
Set the output:
0 - Patch (Produces an object that you can collapse to a patch object.)
1 - Mesh (Produces an object that you can collapse to a mesh object.)
2 - NURBS (Produces an object that you can collapse to a NURBS surface.)
<Extrude>.matIDs Boolean default: true
When on, assigns different material IDs to the sides and the caps of the extruded object.
Specifically, the sides receive ID 3, and the caps receive IDs 1 and 2.
<Extrude>.useShapeIDs Booleandefault: false
When on, the software uses the material ID values assigned to segments in the modified object.
<Extrude>.smooth Boolean default: true
When on, applies smoothing to the extruded shape.
<Extrude>.mapCoords Boolean default: false
Creates the extruded object with mapping coordinates already applied.
When Generate Mapping Coordinates is turned on, additional mapping coordinates are applied to the end caps placing a single 1 x 1 tile on each cap.
<Extrude>.realWorldMapSize BooleanClassdefault: false -- boolean
Enables/disables the real-world map size option.
Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.