Normalize_Spline2: Modifier

Normalize_Spline2 - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 12:0 - classID: #(1923908001L, 3670906842L)

Available in 3ds Max 2018.2 and higher: An improved spline normalization modifier that offers advanced properties, such as the ability to specify knot count.




<Normalize_Spline2>.length Float default: 20.0 --

The desired segment length, used when NormalizeType = 0 (Segment Length).

<Normalize_Spline2>.NormalizeType Integer default:
0 -- integer

The normalization method, where:

<Normalize_Spline2>.NumKnots Integer default: 20 -- integer

The exact number of knots to use, used when NormalizeType = 1.

<Normalize_Spline2>.MaxKnots Integer default: 1000 -- integer

The maximum number of knots to use, when UseMaxKnots is true.

<Normalize_Spline2>.UseMaxKnots BooleanClass default: true -- boolean

Specifies whether to cap the maximum number of knots, to protect against very high knot/segment counts.

<Normalize_Spline2>.UseStraightSegments BooleanClass default: false -- boolean

Specifies whether to make segments linear.

<Normalize_Spline2>.RetainKnots BooleanClass default: false -- boolean

Specifies whether to attempt to retain knots that fall within a given tolerance.

<Normalize_Spline2>.RetainPercent Integer default: 10 -- integer

When RetainKnots is true, this value is the tolerance used to determine whether to retain a knot.

<Normalize_Spline2>.ForEachSpline BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; EachSpline

When NormalizeType is 1 (Knot Count), specifies that the knot count is applied to each spline shape, rather than across all spline shapes.

<Normalize_Spline2>.RetainTangents BooleanClass default: true -- boolean

Specifies whether to retain the tangents for those knots that are retained

<Normalize_Spline2>.ShowKnots BooleanClass default: false -- boolean

Specifies whether to show the spline knots in the viewport.

<Normalize_Spline2>.SimpleInterpolation BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean


-- create a freehand spline, 
-- apply the normalize spline modifier to it to reduce knot count to 10

f = freehand closed:false

pts = #()
a = [-50,-50,-50]
b = [50,50,50]
for i = 1 to 20 do (
append pts (random a b)
f.knots = pts
print pt_array
f.knots = pt_array
nsm = Normalize_Spline2 NormalizeType:1 ShowKnots:true NumKnots:10

addModifier f nsm