NURBSIsoCurve : NURBSCurve

This class defines a dependent Iso (isoparametric) curve. U and V Iso curves are dependent curves created along lines of constant parameter value of a NURBS surface.


NURBSIsoCurve [<property>:<val>]...      

Any of the object's properties may be set via optional keyword arguments on the constructor.

getObject <nurbsset> <index>   


<nurbsisocurve>.parent : integer 

The parent surface by NURBSet index.

<nurbsisocurve>.parentID : integer 

The parent surface by NURBSId.

<nurbsisocurve>.dir :#U, #V 

The direction of the iso curve, either #U or #V.

<nurbsisocurve>.parameter : float 

The parametric position in the range of 0.0 to 1.0 in the given direction on the surface at which the iso line will sit.

<nurbsisocurve>.trim : boolean 

If true , trims parent surface at the curve.

<nurbsisocurve>.flipTrim : boolean 

The state of the trim flip toggle. This controls which portion of the surface is trimmed.

<nurbsisocurve>.seed : point2 

The seed location is a UV position on the parent surface.