Foliage : GeometryClass

Foliage - superclass: GeometryClass; super-superclass:node - 13:0 - classID: #(1318725889, 1104771162) 

This class is available in 3ds Max6 and higher.




<Foliage>.height Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float 
<Foliage>.seed Integer default: 912812 -- integer 
<Foliage>.Density Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float 
<Foliage>.Pruning Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float 
<Foliage>.CanopyMode Integer default: 0 -- integer 
<Foliage>.GenUV BooleanClass default: true -- animatable; Boolean 
<Foliage>.ShowTrunk BooleanClass default: true -- animatable; Boolean 
<Foliage>.ShowBranches BooleanClass default: true -- animatable; Boolean 
<Foliage>.ShowLeaves BooleanClass default: true -- animatable; Boolean 
<Foliage>.ShowFruit BooleanClass default: true -- animatable; Boolean 
<Foliage>.ShowFlowers BooleanClass default: true -- animatable; Boolean 
<Foliage>.ShowRoots BooleanClass default: true -- animatable; Boolean 
<Foliage>.LevelOfDetail Integer default: 2 -- animatable; integer 

While you can create a Foliage object in MAXScript, you cannot specify the plant type, so the Generic Tree plant type is always created.