Light_Tracer - superclass: RadiosityEffect; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - classID: #(973019628, 1999461375)
The Light_Tracer RadiosityEffect is a Global Illumination solver used mainly for advanced lighting simulation in outdoor scenes.
Light_Tracer ... LightTrace ...
<Light_Tracer>.adaptive_undersampling_on Boolean default: true -- boolean
Gets/Sets the state of the Adaptive Undersampling checkbox.
<Light_Tracer>.bounces Integer default: 0 -- integer
Gets/Sets the number of Bounces.
<Light_Tracer>.color_bleed Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float
Gets/Sets the Color Bleed value.
<Light_Tracer>.color_filter Color default: (color 255 255 255) -- animatable
Gets/Sets the Color Filter color.
<Light_Tracer>.cone_angle Float default: 88.0 -- float
Gets/Sets the Cone Angle value.
<Light_Tracer>.extra_ambient Color default: (color 0 0 0) -- animatable
Gets/Sets the Extra Ambient color.
<Light_Tracer>.filter_size Float default: 0.5 -- animatable; float
Gets/Sets the Filter Size value.
<Light_Tracer>.global_multiplier Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float
Gets/Sets the Global Multiplier value.
<Light_Tracer>.initial_sample_spacing Integer default: 4 -- integer
Gets/Sets the Initial Sample Spacing, where
0 - 1x1
1 - 2x2
2 - 4x4
3 - 8x8
4 - 16x16
5 - 32x32
<Light_Tracer>.object_multiplier Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float
Gets/Sets the Object Multiplier value.
<Light_Tracer>.ray_bias Float default: 0.03 -- float
Gets/Sets the Ray Bias value.
<Light_Tracer>.rayengine Ray_Engine default: ReferenceTarget:Ray_Engine
Returns the Ray Engine used by the Radiosity Effect.
<Light_Tracer>.rays Integer default: 250 -- animatable; integer
Gets/Sets the Rays/Sample value.
<Light_Tracer>.show_samples Boolean default: false -- boolean
Gets/Sets the state of the Show Samples checkbox.
<Light_Tracer>.sky_lights Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float
Gets/Sets the Sky Lights value.
<Light_Tracer>.sky_lights_on Boolean default: true -- boolean
Gets/Sets the state of the Sky Lights checkbox.
<Light_Tracer>.subdivide_down_to Integer default: 0 -- integer
Gets/Sets the Subdivide Down To value, where
0 - 1x1
1 - 2x2
2 - 4x4
3 - 8x8
4 - 16x16
5 - 32x32
<Light_Tracer>.subdivision_contrast Float default: 5.0 -- animatable; float
Gets/Sets the Subdivision Contrast value.
<Light_Tracer>.volumes_on Boolean default: true -- boolean
Gets/Sets the state of the Volumes checkbox.
<Light_Tracer>.volumes Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float
Gets/Sets the Volumes value.