ART_Renderer - superclass: RendererClass; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 18:0 - classID: #(2980325325L, 2688898415L)
ART Renderer is a path tracer rendering engine. Available in in 3ds Max 2017 and higher.
Rendering Parameters Rollout
Render Quality Group Of Controls
<ART_Renderer>.quality_db Float default: 20.0 -- float
Get/set the value of the "Target Quality" value and slider.
<ART_Renderer>.enable_time BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Time" checkbox.
Default value is False.
When set to True, the rendering will stop even if the Target Quality has not been achieved after the time specified by the following properties.
<ART_Renderer>.time_in_seconds Integer default: 300 -- integer
Get/set the time in seconds after which to stop the rendering if the enable_time
property is set to True.
This value is not directly exposed in the UI, but represents the combined values of (time_split_hours*3600+time_split_minutes*60+time_split_seconds).
It can be used to set from MAXScript all three UI values by providing a single threshold in seconds.
<ART_Renderer>.time_split_hours Integer default: 0 -- integer
Get/set the value of the "Hours" spinner.
Setting this value will also update the .time_in_seconds
property documented above.
<ART_Renderer>.time_split_minutes Integer default: 5 -- integer
Get/set the value of the "Minutes" spinner.
Setting this value will also update the .time_in_seconds
property documented above.
<ART_Renderer>.time_split_seconds Integer default: 0 -- integer
Get/set the value of the "Seconds" spinner.
Setting this value will also update the .time_in_seconds
property documented above.
<ART_Renderer>.enable_iterations BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Iterations" checkbox.
Default value is False.
When set to True, the rendering will stop even if the Target Quality has not been achieved after the time specified by the following properties.
<ART_Renderer>.iterations Integer default: 50 -- integer
Get/set the value of the "Iterations" spinner.
Default value is False.
When set to True, the rendering will stop even if the Target Quality has not been achieved after the specified number of iterations has been reached.
Lighting and Material Fidelity Group Of Controls
<ART_Renderer>.render_method Integer default: 1 -- integer
Get/Set the selection of the "Rendering method" drop-down list.
Valid values are:
0 - AdvancedPath Tracing
1 - Fast Path Tracing (default)
Filtering Rollout
Noise Filtering Group Of Controls
<ART_Renderer>.enable_noise_filter BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Enable" checkbox.
When set to True, noise filtering will be used - see the properties below for details.
<ART_Renderer>.noise_filter_strength Float default: 0.5 -- float
Get/set the noise filter value as a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0.
The .noise_filter_strength_percentage
property will be set automatically to the corresponding percentage value in the 0.0 to 100.0 range (see below).
<ART_Renderer>.noise_filter_strength_percentage Float default: 50.0 -- float
Get/set the noise filter value as a percentage value between 0.0 and 100.0.
The .noise_filter_strength
property will be set automatically to the corresponding floating value in the 0.0 to 1.0 range (see above).
renderers.current.noise_filter_strength --get the noise filter float value - it defaults to 0.5 renderers.current.noise_filter_strength_percentage --check out the percentage value - default is 50.0 renderers.current.noise_filter_strength = 0.75 --set the noise filter to 75% if renderSceneDialog.isOpen do renderSceneDialog.update() --force an update to the render dialog if needed renderers.current.noise_filter_strength_percentage --see if the percentage was also updated
0.5 50.0 0.75 OK 75.0
Anti-Aliasing Group Of Controls
<ART_Renderer>.anti_aliasing_filter_diameter Float default: 3.0 -- float
Get/set the value in pixels of the "Filter Diameter" spinner.
Advanced Rollout
Scene Group Of Controls
<ART_Renderer>.point_light_diameter Float default: 0.393701 -- worldUnits
Get/set the value of the "Point Light Diameter" spinner.
The ART Renderer used spherical or disk lights to represent point light, and cylindrical or rectangular lights to represent linear lights.
This value controls the diameter of point lights and the thickness or linear lights.
The default value of 0.393701 inches (when System Units are set to 1 Generic Unit = 1 Inch) corresponds to 1 cm.
<ART_Renderer>.motion_blur_all_objects BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "All Objects Receive Motion Blur" checkbox.
When set to True (default), all scene objects will be motion blurred, regardless of the Motion Blur settings in their Object Properties dialog.
When set to False, only objects with Motion Blur enabled in the Object Properties dialog will be blurred.
Note that the view must be set to a Physical Camera with "Enable Motion Blur" checked for this option to have any effect.
Noise Pattern Group Of Controls
<ART_Renderer>.enable_animated_noise BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Animate Noise Pattern" checkbox.
When set to True (default), the noise pattern will vary between frames to produce an effect similar to film grain.
When set to False, the noise pattern will remain static between frames (recommended for low-quality draft renders).
Not Exposed In The UI
<ART_Renderer>.enable_outlier_clamp BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
When set to True (default), outlier values will be clamped automatically.
When set to False, no clamping will be performed.
<ART_Renderer>.texture_bake_resolution Integer default: 1024 -- integer
Get/set the texture baking resolution.
Interface: IMtlRender_Compability_Renderer