How do I calculate the Volume of an Object?

There is currently no access to the Measure Utility from MAXScript, but you can use the following MAXScript function to get the same results:


   fn CalculateVolumeAndCenterOfMass obj =
   local Volume= 0.0
   local Center= [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
   local theMesh = snapshotasmesh obj
   local numFaces = theMesh.numfaces
   for i = 1 to numFaces do
     local Face= getFace theMesh i
     local vert2 = getVert theMesh Face.z
     local vert1 = getVert theMesh Face.y
     local vert0 = getVert theMesh Face.x
     local dV = Dot (Cross (vert1 - vert0) (vert2 - vert0)) vert0
     Volume+= dV
     Center+= (vert0 + vert1 + vert2) * dV
   delete theMesh
   Volume /= 6
   Center /= 24
   Center /= Volume
   --Call the function on a geometry object - the result will be a list
   --containing the Volume and the Center of mass in local space.
   s = sphere()
   theVolAndCom = CalculateVolumeAndCenterOfMass $Sphere001
   --To get the world space of the Center of Mass just like in the Utility,
   --you have to do some extra work:
   theComInWorld = theVolAndCom[2] * $Sphere001.objectTransform