How To ... Develop a Bitmap Painting Tool - 3D Painting

In this even more exciting step of the Bitmap Painting tool development, we will add the option to directly paint on a scene object in the 3ds Max viewports.


We will add a new checkbutton to the User Interface to enable and disable the 3D Painting.

We will define a couple of simple functions using thePainterInterface to control the brush in the viewport, read the UV coordinates of the faces it is painting, and draw in the corresponding area of the bitmap.


   macroScript MicroPaint category: "HowTo"
   global MicroPaint_CanvasRollout
   try(destroyDialog MicroPaint_CanvasRollout)catch()
   local isErasing = isDrawing = false
   local bitmapX = bitmapY = 512
   local bitmapx_1 = bitmapx-1
   local bitmapy_1 = bitmapy-1

   local temp_bitmap_filename = (getDir #preview +"/microPaint_temp.tga")
   local theCanvasBitmap = bitmap bitmapX bitmapY color:white filename:temp_bitmap_filename
   local theBackgroundBitmap = bitmap bitmapX bitmapY color:white
   local currentPos = lastPos = [0,0]
   local theChannel = 1
   local theObj = undefined

   local bary = [0,0,0]
   local faceIndex = 1

   rcMenu CanvasMenu
       menuItem new_menu "New"
       menuItem open_menu "Open..."
       menuItem save_as "Save As..."
       separator file_menu_1
       menuItem quit_tool "Quit"  
       menuItem commit_menu "Commit Changes"
       separator edit_menu_1
       menuItem uv_menu "Get UV Coordinates..."
       menuItem paint3d_menu "Toggle 3D Painting..."
     on commit_menu picked do copy theCanvasBitmap theBackgroundBitmap

     on uv_menu picked do MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.unwrapTexture()
     on paint3d_menu picked do MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.startPainting3D()

       menuItem about_tool "About MicroPaint..." 

     on new_menu picked do
       theBackgroundBitmap = theCanvasBitmap = bitmap bitmapX bitmapY color:MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.paperColor.color filename:temp_bitmap_filename
       MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap

     on open_menu picked do
       theOpenBitmap= selectBitmap()
       if theOpenBitmap != undefined do
         copy theOpenBitmap theCanvasBitmap
         copy theOpenBitmap theBackgroundBitmap
         close theOpenBitmap
         MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap

     on save_as picked do
       theSaveName = getSaveFileName types:"BMP (*.bmp)|*.bmp|Targa (*.tga)|*.tga|JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg"
       if theSaveName != undefined do
         theCanvasBitmap.filename = theSaveName
         save theCanvasBitmap
         theCanvasBitmap.filename = temp_bitmap_filename
     on about_too lpicked do messagebox "MicroPaint\nMAXScript Tutorial" title:"About..."
     on quit_tool picked do destroyDialog MicroPaint_CanvasRollout

   fn mesh_filter obj = superclassof obj == GeometryClass and classof obj != TargetObject

   rollout MicroPaint_CanvasRollout "MicroPaint"
     bitmap theCanvas pos:[0,0] width:bitmapX height:bitmapY bitmap:theCanvasBitmap
     colorpicker inkColor height:16 modal:false color:black across:6
     colorpicker paperColor height:16 modal:false color:white
     checkbutton autoSave "AutoSave" width:70 offset:[0,-3] highlightcolor:(color 255 200 200)
     checkbutton airBrush "AirBrush" width:70 offset:[0,-3] highlightcolor:(color 200 255 200)
     spinner AirBrushSpeed "Speed" range:[0.1,50,10] fieldwidth:30
     spinner BrushSize "Size" range:[1,50,1] type:#integer fieldwidth:40
     listbox BrushShape items:#("Circle","Box","Circle Smooth") pos:[bitmapX+5,0] width:90

     pickbutton pickMesh "Pick Mesh" width:90 height:30 highlightcolor:(color 200 200 255) pos:[bitmapX+5,140] filter:mesh_filter autodisplay:true

     on pickMesh picked obj do
       if obj != undefined do
         theObj = Obj
           copy theObj.material.diffusemap.bitmap theCanvasBitmap
           copy theObj.material.diffusemap.bitmap theBackgroundBitmap
           theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap

     checkbutton paint3D "3D PAINT" width:90 height:50 highlightcolor:(color 200 200 255) pos:[bitmapX+5,180]

     fn paintBrush pos =
       if isErasing then
         thePaintColor = (getPixels theBackgroundBitmap pos 1)[1]
         thePaintColor = inkColor.color
       if thePaintColor == undefined then thePaintColor = white

       case BrushShape.selection of
         1: (
           if distance pos currentPos <= BrushSize.value/2 do
             setPixels theCanvasBitmap pos #(thePaintColor)
         2: setPixels theCanvasBitmap pos #(thePaintColor)
         3: (
           theFactor = (distance pos currentPos) / (BrushSize.value/2.0)
           if theFactor <= 1.0 do
             theFactor = sin ( 90.0 * theFactor)
             thePixels = getPixels theCanvasBitmap pos 1
             if thePixels[1] != undefined do
               thePixels[1] = (thePixels[1] * theFactor) + (thePaintColor * (1.0 - theFactor))
               setPixels theCanvasBitmap pos thePixels
         )--end case 3
       )--end case
     )--end fn

     fn drawStroke lastPos pos drawIt: =
       currentPos = lastPos
       deltaX = pos.x - lastPos.x
       deltaY = pos.y - lastPos.y
       maxSteps = amax #(abs(deltaX),abs(deltaY))
       deltaStepX = deltaX / maxSteps
       deltaStepY = deltaY / maxSteps
       for i = 0 to maxSteps do
         if airBrush.checked then
           for b = 1 to (BrushSize.value / AirBrushSpeed.value) do
             paintBrush (currentPos + (random [-BrushSize.value/2,-BrushSize.value/2] [BrushSize.value/2,BrushSize.value/2] ))
           for b = -BrushSize.value/2 to BrushSize.value/2 do
             for c = -BrushSize.value/2 to BrushSize.value/2 do
               paintBrush (currentPos + [c,b])
         currentPos += [deltaStepX, deltaStepY]
       if drawIt== true or drawIt == unsupplied do theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap

     fn unwrapTexture =
       if theObj != undefined then
         theMesh = snapshotAsMesh theObj
         if meshop.getMapSupport theMesh theChannel do
           faceCount = meshop.getNumMapFaces theMesh theChannel
           for f = 1 to faceCount do
             theFace = meshop.getMapFace theMesh theChannel f
             vert1= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.x
             vert2= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.y
             vert3= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.z

             drawStroke [vert1.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert1.y * bitmapy_1] [vert2.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert2.y * bitmapy_1] drawIt:false
             drawStroke [vert1.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert1.y * bitmapy_1] [vert3.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert3.y * bitmapy_1] drawIt:false
             drawStroke [vert3.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert3.y * bitmapy_1] [vert2.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert2.y * bitmapy_1] drawIt:false
         theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap
         save theCanvasBitmap
         if theObj.material == undefined do theObj.material = Standard()
         if theObj.material.diffusemap == undefined do
         theObj.material.diffusemap = bitmapTexture filename:temp_bitmap_filename
         showTextureMap theObj.material true
         autoSave.checked = true

     fn StartStroke = ( thePainterInterface.undoStart() )
     fn PaintStroke =
       theMesh = theObj.mesh
       thePainterInterface.getHitFaceData &bary &faceIndex theObj 0
       theFace = meshop.getMapFace theMesh theChannel faceIndex
       vert1= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.x
       vert2= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.y
       vert3= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.z
       thePoint = bary.x*vert1 + bary.y*vert2 + bary.z*vert3
       drawStroke [thePoint.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - thePoint.y * bitmapy_1] [thePoint.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - thePoint.y * bitmapy_1]
     fn EndStroke =
       if autoSave.checked do
         save theCanvasBitmap
         try(theObj.material.diffsemap.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap)catch()

     fn CancelStroke = (thePainterInterface.undoCancel())

     fn SystemEndPaintSession = ( paint3D.checked = false )

     fn startPainting3D =
       if thePainterInterface.InPaintMode() or theObj == undefined then
         paint3D.checked = false
         paint3D.checked = true
         thePainterInterface.pointGatherEnable = TRUE
         thePainterInterface.initializeNodes 0 #(theObj)
         thePainterInterface.offMeshHitType = 2
         thePainterInterface.ScriptFunctions startStroke paintStroke endStroke cancelStroke SystemEndPaintSession

     on paint3D changed state do startPainting3D()

     on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout lbuttondown pos do
       lastPos = pos
       isDrawing = true
       isErasing = false
       drawStroke lastPos pos
     on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout rbuttondown pos do
       lastPos = pos
       isErasing = isDrawing = true
       drawStroke lastPos pos
     on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout lbuttonup pos do
       isErasing = isDrawing = false
       if autoSave.checked do save theCanvasBitmap
     on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout rbuttonup pos do
       isErasing = isDrawing = false
       if autoSave.checked do save theCanvasBitmap
     on autoSave changed state do if state do save theCanvasBitmap

     on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout mousemove pos do
       if isDrawing do drawStroke lastPos pos
       lastPos = pos
   createDialog MicroPaint_CanvasRollout (bitmapx+100) (bitmapy+30) menu:CanvasMenu
   MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.theCanvas.bitmap = theBackgroundBitmap


--Code in italic has no changes since the previous version macroScript MicroPaint category:"HowTo"
global MicroPaint_CanvasRollout
try(destroyDialog MicroPaint_CanvasRollout)catch()
local isErasing = isDrawing = false
local bitmapX = bitmapY = 512
local bitmapx_1 = bitmapx-1
local bitmapy_1 = bitmapy-1

local temp_bitmap_filename = (getDir #preview +"/microPaint_temp.tga")
local theCanvasBitmap = bitmap bitmapX bitmapY color:white filename:temp_bitmap_filename
local theBackgroundBitmap = bitmap bitmapX bitmapY color:white
local currentPos = lastPos = [0,0]
local theChannel = 1
local theObj = undefined local bary = [0,0,0]

This variable will be used by the PainterInterface to return the Barycentric Coordinates of the hit point inside the face.

local faceIndex = 1

This variable will be used by the PainterInterface to return the index of the face that has been hit.

rcMenu CanvasMenu
subMenu "File"
menuItem new_menu "New"
menuItem open_menu "Open..."
menuItem save_as "Save As..."
separator file_menu_1
menuItem quit_tool "Quit"  
subMenu "Edit"
menuItem commit_menu "Commit Changes"
separator edit_menu_1
menuItem uv_menu "Get UV Coordinates..." menuItem paint3d_menu "Toggle 3D Painting..."

This is the new "Toggle 3D Painting" menu item. We will also add a very prominent button to the main User Interface...

on commit_menu picked do copy theCanvasBitmap theBackgroundBitmap
on uv_menu picked do MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.unwrapTexture() on paint3d_menu picked do MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.startPainting3D()

This is the handler of the new "Toggle 3D Painting" menu item. It calls a function that will toggle the PainterInterface on and off.

subMenu "Help"
menuItem about_tool "About MicroPaint..." 

on new_menu picked do
theBackgroundBitmap = theCanvasBitmap = bitmap bitmapX bitmapY color:MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.paperColor.color filename:temp_bitmap_filename
MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap

on open_menu picked do
theOpenBitmap= selectBitmap()
if theOpenBitmap != undefined do
copy theOpenBitmap theCanvasBitmap
copy theOpenBitmap theBackgroundBitmap
close theOpenBitmap
MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap

on save_as picked do
theSaveName = getSaveFileName types:"BMP (*.bmp)|*.bmp|Targa (*.tga)|*.tga|JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg"
if theSaveName != undefined do
theCanvasBitmap.filename = theSaveName
save theCanvasBitmap
theCanvasBitmap.filename = temp_bitmap_filename
on about_tool picked do messagebox "MicroPaint\nMAXScript Tutorial" title:"About..."
on quit_tool picked do destroyDialog MicroPaint_CanvasRollout

fn mesh_filter obj = superclassof obj == GeometryClass and classof obj != TargetObject

rollout MicroPaint_CanvasRollout "MicroPaint"
bitmap theCanvas pos:[0,0] width:bitmapX height:bitmapY bitmap:theCanvasBitmap
colorpicker inkColor height:16 modal:false color:black across:6
colorpicker paperColor height:16 modal:false color:white
checkbutton autoSave "AutoSave" width:70 offset:[0,-3] highlightcolor:(color 255 200 200)
checkbutton airBrush "AirBrush" width:70 offset:[0,-3] highlightcolor:(color 200 255 200)
spinner AirBrushSpeed "Speed" range:[0.1,50,10] fieldwidth:30
spinner BrushSize "Size" range:[1,50,1] type:#integer fieldwidth:40
listbox BrushShape items:#("Circle", "Box", "Circle Smooth") pos:[bitmapX+5,0] width:90

pickbutton pickMesh "Pick Mesh" width:90 height:30 highlightcolor:(color 200 200 255) pos:[bitmapX+5,140] filter:mesh_filter autodisplay:true

on pickMesh picked obj do
if obj != undefined do
theObj = Obj
copy theObj.material.diffusemap.bitmap theCanvasBitmap
copy theObj.material.diffusemap.bitmap theBackgroundBitmap
theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap
) checkbutton paint3D "3D PAINT" width:90 height:50 highlightcolor:(color 200 200 255) pos:[bitmapX+5,180]

This is the new checkbutton controlling the painting in 3D space. It will turn blue when enabled.

fn paintBrush pos =
if isErasing then
thePaintColor = (getPixels theBackgroundBitmap pos 1)[1]
thePaintColor = inkColor.color
if thePaintColor == undefined then thePaintColor = white

case BrushShape.selection of
1: (
if distance pos currentPos <= BrushSize.value/2 do
setPixels theCanvasBitmap pos #(thePaintColor)
2: setPixels theCanvasBitmap pos #(thePaintColor)
3: (
theFactor = (distance pos currentPos) / (BrushSize.value/2.0)
if theFactor <= 1.0 do
theFactor = sin ( 90.0 * theFactor)
thePixels = getPixels theCanvasBitmap pos 1
if thePixels[1] != undefined do
thePixels[1] = (thePixels[1] * theFactor) + (thePaintColor * (1.0 - theFactor))
setPixels theCanvasBitmap pos thePixels
)--end case 3
)--end case
)--end fn

fn drawStroke lastPos pos drawIt: =
currentPos = lastPos
deltaX = pos.x - lastPos.x
deltaY = pos.y - lastPos.y
maxSteps = amax #(abs(deltaX),abs(deltaY))
deltaStepX = deltaX / maxSteps
deltaStepY = deltaY / maxSteps
for i = 0 to maxSteps do
if airBrush.checked then
for b = 1 to (BrushSize.value / AirBrushSpeed.value) do
paintBrush (currentPos + (random [-BrushSize.value/2,-BrushSize.value/2] [BrushSize.value/2,BrushSize.value/2] ))
for b = -BrushSize.value/2 to BrushSize.value/2 do
for c = -BrushSize.value/2 to BrushSize.value/2 do
paintBrush (currentPos + [c,b])
currentPos += [deltaStepX, deltaStepY]
if drawIt== true or drawIt == unsupplied do theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap

on pickMesh picked obj do if obj != undefined do theObj = Obj

fn unwrapTexture =
if theObj != undefined then
theMesh = snapshotAsMesh theObj
if meshop.getMapSupport theMesh theChannel do
faceCount = meshop.getNumMapFaces theMesh theChannel
for f = 1 to faceCount do
theFace = meshop.getMapFace theMesh theChannel f
vert1= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.x
vert2= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.y
vert3= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.z

drawStroke [vert1.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert1.y * bitmapy_1] [vert2.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert2.y * bitmapy_1] drawIt:false
drawStroke [vert1.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert1.y * bitmapy_1] [vert3.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert3.y * bitmapy_1] drawIt:false
drawStroke [vert3.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert3.y * bitmapy_1] [vert2.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 - vert2.y * bitmapy_1] drawIt:false
theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap
save theCanvasBitmap
if theObj.material == undefined do theObj.material = Standard()
if theObj.material.diffusemap == undefined do
theObj.material.diffusemap = bitmapTexture filename:temp_bitmap_filename
showTextureMap theObj.material true
autoSave.checked = true

fn StartStroke = ( thePainterInterface.undoStart() )

This function is executed in the beginning of a stroke. See the PainterInterface documentation for details.

fn PaintStroke =

This function performs the painting of a stroke in 3D.

theMesh = theObj.mesh

We take a copy of the TriMesh of the object to paint on.

thePainterInterface.getHitFaceData &bary &faceIndex theObj 0

Then we call this function to get the last face that was hit by the brush (last argument is face index 0 which means "get the last hit"). The variables bary and faceIndex we defined in the beginning of the script are passed "by reference" - the function will write the results into them. After the call, bary will contain the Barycentric coordinates of the hit point inside the face, and faceIndex will contain the index of the face that was last hit. theObj is the variable containing the object we selected in the scene to paint on.

theFace = meshop.getMapFace theMesh theChannel faceIndex

Using this data we get the map face in channel 1 with the same index as the mesh face that was hit.

vert1= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.x
vert2= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.y
vert3= meshop.getMapVert theMesh theChannel theFace.z

Next, we read the texture vertices referenced by the map face.

thePoint= bary.x*vert1 + bary.y*vert2 + bary.z*vert3
 drawStroke [thePoint.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 -thePoint.y * bitmapy_1] [thePoint.x * bitmapx_1, bitmapy_1 -thePoint.y * bitmapy_1]

Now we can calculate the UV coordinates of the hit point using its barycentric coordinates inside the face and the texture vertex coordinates corresponding to that face.


Finally, we clear the stroke.

) fn EndStroke = (

This function is called at the end of a stroke.


Accept the changes in the undo system.

if autoSave.checked do (

If autosaving is enabled,

save theCanvasBitmap

save the painting to disk

try(theObj.material.diffsemap.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap)catch()

and try to force the bitmap of the diffuse map channel in the object's material to the painting bitmap value.


fn CancelStroke = (thePainterInterface.undoCancel())

This function is called when the stroke is canceled.

fn SystemEndPaintSession = ( paint3D.checked = false )

This function is called when the painting session ends. It will make sure the UI button is unchecked if the painting is stopped for some other reason.

fn startPainting3D =

This function toggles the 3D Painting.

if thePainterInterface.InPaintMode() or theObj == undefined then

If we are already painting or the object is not selected yet,

  paint3D.checked = false

we end the 3D painting session and uncheck the button in the UI.


If the 3D paining is not active and the mesh scene object has been selected already,

paint3D.checked = true

we make sure that the checkbutton is pressed (as we can start this from the Main menu, too).

thePainterInterface.pointGatherEnable = TRUE

Enable point gathering.

thePainterInterface.initializeNodes 0 #(theObj)

Initialize the PainterInterface with just the single object that was selected.

thePainterInterface.offMeshHitType = 2

Set the behavior for the cases the mesh was not hit to 2, which does not require a mesh. There will be no face hit and no painting in this case.

thePainterInterface.ScriptFunctions startStroke paintStroke endStroke cancelStroke SystemEndPaintSession

Register all previously defined scripted functions with the PainterInterface and


start the painting.


on paint3D changed state do startPainting3D()

If the checkbutton was pressed by the user, call the above function.

on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout lbuttondown pos do
lastPos = pos
isDrawing = true
isErasing = false
drawStroke lastPos pos
on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout rbuttondown pos do
lastPos = pos
isErasing = isDrawing = true
drawStroke lastPos pos
on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout lbuttonup pos do
isErasing = isDrawing = false
if autoSave.checked do save theCanvasBitmap
on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout rbuttonup pos do
isErasing = isDrawing = false
if autoSave.checked do save theCanvasBitmap
on autoSave changed state do if state do save theCanvasBitmap

on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout mousemove pos do
if isDrawing do drawStroke lastPos pos
lastPos = pos
createDialog MicroPaint_CanvasRollout (bitmapx+100) (bitmapy+30) menu:CanvasMenu
MicroPaint_CanvasRollout.theCanvas.bitmap = theBackgroundBitmap


You can paint on both the 3D object and the 2D image at the same time.

Previous Tutorial:

How To ... Develop a Bitmap Painting Tool - Unwrap UV Coordinates