How To ... Develop a Bitmap Painting Tool - Smooth Brushes

In this step of the Bitmap Painting tool development, we will add optional smooth falloff to the brush.


We will add a new item to the brushes listbox.

We will extend the paintbrush function with a new case calculating the new color using the existing one and a falloff based on the pixel's distance to the center of the brush.


   macroScript MicroPaint category: "HowTo"
   global MicroPaint_CanvasRollout
   try (destroyDialog MicroPaint_CanvasRollout) catch()
   local isDrawing = false
   local bitmapX = bitmapY = 512
   local theCanvasBitmap = bitmap bitmapX bitmapY color:white
   local currentPos = lastPos = [0,0]

   rollout MicroPaint_CanvasRollout "MicroPaint"
     bitmap theCanvas pos:[0,0] width:bitmapX height:bitmapY bitmap:theCanvasBitmap
     colorpicker inkColor height:16 modal:false color:black across:4
     checkbutton airBrush "AirBrush"width:50
     spinner AirBrushSpeed "Speed" range:[0.1,50,10] fieldwidth:30
     spinner BrushSize "Size" range:[1,50,10] type:#integer fieldwidth:40
     listbox BrushShape items:#("Circle","Box","Circle Smooth") pos:[bitmapX+5,0] width:90

     fn paintBrush pos =
       case BrushShape.selection of
         1: (
           if distance pos currentPos <= BrushSize.value/2 do
             setPixels theCanvasBitmap pos #(inkColor.color)
         2: setPixels theCanvasBitmap pos #(inkColor.color)
         3: (
           theFactor = (distance pos currentPos) / (BrushSize.value/2.0)
           if theFactor <= 1.0 do
             theFactor = sin ( 90.0 * theFactor)
             thePixels = getPixels theCanvasBitmap pos 1
             if thePixels[1] != undefined do
               thePixels[1] = (thePixels[1] * theFactor) + (inkColor.color * (1.0 - theFactor))
               setPixels theCanvasBitmap pos thePixels
         )--end case 3
       )--end case
     )--end fn

     fn drawStroke lastPos pos =
       currentPos = lastPos
       deltaX = pos.x - lastPos.x
       deltaY = pos.y - lastPos.y
       maxSteps = amax #(abs(deltaX),abs(deltaY))
       deltaStepX = deltaX / maxSteps
       deltaStepY = deltaY / maxSteps
       for i = 0 to maxSteps do
         if airBrush.checked then
           for b = 1 to (BrushSize.value / AirBrushSpeed.value) do
           paintBrush (currentPos + (random [-BrushSize.value/2,-BrushSize.value/2] [BrushSize.value/2,BrushSize.value/2] ))
           for b = -BrushSize.value/2 to BrushSize.value/2 do
             for c = -BrushSize.value/2 to BrushSize.value/2 do
               paintBrush (currentPos + [c,b])
         currentPos += [deltaStepX, deltaStepY]
       theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap

     on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout lbuttondown pos do
       lastPos = pos
       isDrawing = true
       drawStroke lastPos pos
     on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout lbuttonup pos do isDrawing = false
     on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout mousemove pos do
       if isDrawing do drawStroke lastPos pos
       lastPos = pos
   createDialog MicroPaint_CanvasRollout (bitmapx+100) (bitmapy+30)


--Code in italic has no changes since the previous version. macroScript MicroPaint category:"HowTo"
global MicroPaint_CanvasRollout
try(destroyDialog CanvasRollout)catch()
local isDrawing = false
local bitmapX = bitmapY = 512
local theCanvasBitmap = bitmap bitmapX bitmapY color:white
local currentPos = lastPos = [0,0]

rollout MicroPaint_CanvasRollout "MicroPaint"
bitmap theCanvas pos:[0,0] width:bitmapX height:bitmapY bitmap:theCanvasBitmap
colorpicker inkColor height:16 modal:false color:black across:4
checkbutton airBrush "AirBrush" width:50
spinner AirBrushSpeed "Speed" range:[0.1,50,10] fieldwidth:40
spinner BrushSize "Size" range:[1,50,10] type:#integer fieldwidth:40
 listbox BrushShape items:#("Circle", "Box", "Circle Smooth") pos:[bitmapX+5,0] width:90 

We add a new brush to our "toolbox" - "Circle Smooth".

fn paintBrush pos =
case BrushShape.selection of
1: (
if distance pos currentPos <= BrushSize.value/2 do
setPixels theCanvasBitmap pos #(inkColor.color)
2: setPixels theCanvasBitmap pos #(inkColor.color)

3: ( 

When the "Circle Smooth" brush is selected,

theFactor =(distance pos currentPos)/ (BrushSize.value/2.0)

we calculate the distance from the pixel to be drawn to the center of the brush and divide by the radius of the brush.

if theFactor <= 1.0 do

If the result is less than 1.0, the pixel lies inside the circle.

theFactor = sin ( 90.0 * theFactor)

In that case, we multiply the value by 90 and use the Sine function to calculate a nice falloff curve. Note that remarking this line gives you a linear falloff curve instead of the sine-based falloff curve.

thePixels = getPixels theCanvasBitmap pos 1

Next, we read a single pixel from the position we are about to write to.

if thePixels[1] != undefined do

If the single pixel in the array is a valid color,

thePixels[1] = (thePixels[1] * theFactor) + (inkColor.color * (1.0 - theFactor))

we blend the color of the background with the brush color based on the distance factor. If the factor is 0.5, the two colors will be blended 50-50%. If the factor is 1 (at the edge of the circle, the background color will be used 100% and the ink will be 0%.

setPixels theCanvasBitmap pos thePixels

Finally, we write the color back into the bitmap.


fn drawStroke lastPos pos =
currentPos = lastPos
deltaX = pos.x - lastPos.x
deltaY = pos.y - lastPos.y
maxSteps = amax #(abs(deltaX),abs(deltaY))
deltaStepX = deltaX / maxSteps
deltaStepY = deltaY / maxSteps
for i = 0 to maxSteps do
if airBrush.checked then
for b = 1 to (BrushSize.value / AirBrushSpeed.value) do
paintBrush (currentPos + (random [-BrushSize.value/2,-BrushSize.value/2] [BrushSize.value/2,BrushSize.value/2] ))
for b = -BrushSize.value/2 to BrushSize.value/2 do
for c = -BrushSize.value/2 to BrushSize.value/2 do
paintBrush (currentPos + [c,b])
currentPos += [deltaStepX, deltaStepY]
theCanvas.bitmap = theCanvasBitmap

on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout lbuttondown pos do
lastPos = pos
isDrawing = true
drawStroke lastPos pos
on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout lbuttonup pos do isDrawing = false
on MicroPaint_CanvasRollout mousemove pos do
if isDrawing do drawStroke lastPos pos
lastPos = pos
createDialog MicroPaint_CanvasRollout (bitmapx+100) (bitmapy+30)


Previous Tutorial:

How To ... Develop a Bitmap Painting Tool - Airbrush and Shapes

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How To ... Develop a Bitmap Painting Tool - Load and Save