The following methods allow the copying of text and bitmap values to and from the Windows Clipboard.
These methods are available in 3ds Max 2008 and higher.
They were previously available in the Avguard Extensions.
setclipboardText <string>
Get/Set the text string in Window's clipboard. getclipboardText()
returns a string value, or undefined if the clipboard does not contain a string. setclipboardText()
returns true if the string was successfully placed in the clipboard, an integer error code if failed. Error code meanings are:
-1:memory could not be allocated
-2:clipboard could not be opened
-3:clipboard could not be cleared
-4:clipboard could not be set
setclipboardBitmap <bitmap>
Get/Set the bitmap in Window's clipboard. getclipboardBitmap()
returns a bitmap value, or undefined if the clipboard does not contain a bitmap. setclipboardBitmap()
returns true if the bitmap was successfully placed in the clipboard, an integer error code if failed. Error code meanings are:
-1:memory could not be allocated
-2:clipboard could not be opened
-3:clipboard could not be cleared
-4:clipboard could not be set
( local str = "Sorry For The Inconveniences!" retCode = setclipboardText str format "Return Code: %\n" retCode local result = getclipboardText() if (result != str) then throw "Clipboard functions didn't work" else format "%\n" result local bm1 = bitmap 100 100 color:red retCode = setclipboardBitmap bm1 format "Return Code: %\n" retCode local bm2 = getclipboardBitmap() display bm2 OK )