C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
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// apiMeshData.cpp
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include "apiMeshData.h"
#include "apiMeshIterator.h"
#include "api_macros.h"
#include <maya/MFnSingleIndexedComponent.h>
#include <maya/MArgList.h>
// Ascii file IO defines
#define kDblQteChar "\""
#define kSpaceChar " "
#define kWrapString "\n\t\t"
#define kVertexKeyword "v"
#define kNormalKeyword "vn"
#define kTextureKeyword "vt"
#define kFaceKeyword "face"
#define kUVKeyword "uv"
const MTypeId apiMeshData::id( 0x80777 );
const MString apiMeshData::typeName( "apiMeshData" );
apiMeshData::apiMeshData() : fGeometry( NULL )
fGeometry = new apiMeshGeom;
if ( NULL != fGeometry ) {
delete fGeometry;
fGeometry = NULL;
/* override */
MStatus apiMeshData::readASCII( const MArgList& argList, unsigned& index )
// Description
// ASCII file input method.
if ( ! readVerticesASCII(argList,index) ) {
return MS::kFailure;
else if ( ! readNormalsASCII(argList,++index) ) {
return MS::kFailure;
else if ( ! readFacesASCII(argList,++index) ) {
return MS::kFailure;
else if ( ! readUVASCII(argList,index) ) {
return MS::kFailure;
return MS::kSuccess;
/* override */
MStatus apiMeshData::readBinary( istream& /*in*/, unsigned /*length*/ )
// Description
return MS::kSuccess;
/* override */
MStatus apiMeshData::writeASCII( ostream& out )
// Description
// ASCII file output method.
if ( ! writeVerticesASCII(out) ) {
return MS::kFailure;
else if ( ! writeNormalsASCII(out) ) {
return MS::kFailure;
else if ( ! writeFacesASCII(out) ) {
return MS::kFailure;
return MS::kSuccess;
/* override */
MStatus apiMeshData::writeBinary( ostream& /*out*/ )
// Description
return MS::kSuccess;
/* override */
void apiMeshData::copy ( const MPxData& other )
*fGeometry = *(((const apiMeshData &)other).fGeometry);
/* override */
MTypeId apiMeshData::typeId() const
// Description
// Binary tag used to identify this kind of data
return apiMeshData::id;
/* override */
MString apiMeshData::name() const
// Description
// String name used to identify this kind of data
return apiMeshData::typeName;
void * apiMeshData::creator()
return new apiMeshData;
/* override */
MPxGeometryIterator* apiMeshData::iterator( MObjectArray & componentList,
MObject & component,
bool useComponents)
// Description
apiMeshGeomIterator * result = NULL;
if ( useComponents ) {
result = new apiMeshGeomIterator( fGeometry, componentList );
else {
result = new apiMeshGeomIterator( fGeometry, component );
return result;
/* override */
MPxGeometryIterator* apiMeshData::iterator( MObjectArray & componentList,
MObject & component,
bool useComponents,
bool /*world*/) const
// Description
apiMeshGeomIterator * result = NULL;
if ( useComponents ) {
result = new apiMeshGeomIterator( fGeometry, componentList );
else {
result = new apiMeshGeomIterator( fGeometry, component );
return result;
/* override */
bool apiMeshData::updateCompleteVertexGroup( MObject & component ) const
// Description
// Make sure complete vertex group data is up-to-date.
// Returns true if the component was updated, false if it was already ok.
// This is used by deformers when deforming the "whole" object and
// not just selected components.
MStatus stat;
MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComponent( component, &stat );
// Make sure there is non-null geometry and that the component
// is "complete". A "complete" component represents every
// vertex in the shape.
if ( stat && (NULL != fGeometry) && (fnComponent.isComplete()) ) {
int maxVerts ;
fnComponent.getCompleteData( maxVerts );
int numVertices = fGeometry->vertices.length();
if ( (numVertices > 0) && (maxVerts != numVertices) ) {
// Set the component to be complete, i.e. the elements in
// the component will be [0:numVertices-1]
fnComponent.setCompleteData( numVertices );
return true;
return false;
MStatus apiMeshData::writeUVASCII( ostream &out )
int uvCount = fGeometry->uvcoords.uvcount();
int faceVertexCount = fGeometry->uvcoords.faceVertexIndex.length();
if ( uvCount > 0 ) {
out << "\n";
out << kWrapString;
out << kDblQteChar << kUVKeyword << kDblQteChar
<< kSpaceChar << uvCount << kSpaceChar << faceVertexCount;
int i;
float u, v;
for ( i = 0; i < uvCount; i ++ ) {
fGeometry->uvcoords.getUV( i, u, v );
out << kWrapString;
out << u << kSpaceChar;
out << v << kSpaceChar;
const MIntArray &fvl = fGeometry->uvcoords.faceVertexIndex;
for ( i = 0; i < faceVertexCount; i ++ ) {
out << kWrapString;
out << fvl[i] << kSpaceChar;
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus apiMeshData::writeVerticesASCII( ostream& out )
MPoint vertex;
int vertexCount = fGeometry->vertices.length();
out << "\n";
out << kWrapString;
out << kDblQteChar << kVertexKeyword << kDblQteChar
<< kSpaceChar << vertexCount;
for ( int i=0; i<vertexCount; i++ ) {
vertex = fGeometry->vertices[i];
out << kWrapString;
out << vertex[0] << kSpaceChar;
out << vertex[1] << kSpaceChar;
out << vertex[2];
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus apiMeshData::writeNormalsASCII( ostream& out )
MVector normal;
int normalCount = fGeometry->normals.length();
out << "\n";
out << kWrapString;
out << kDblQteChar << kNormalKeyword << kDblQteChar
<< kSpaceChar << normalCount;
for ( int i=0; i<normalCount; i++ ) {
normal = fGeometry->normals[i];
out << kWrapString;
out << normal[0] << kSpaceChar;
out << normal[1] << kSpaceChar;
out << normal[2];
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus apiMeshData::writeFacesASCII( ostream& out )
int numFaces = fGeometry->face_counts.length();
int vid = 0;
for ( int f=0; f<numFaces; f++ )
int faceVertexCount = fGeometry->face_counts[f];
out << "\n";
out << kWrapString;
out << kDblQteChar << kFaceKeyword << kDblQteChar
<< kSpaceChar << faceVertexCount;
out << kWrapString;
for ( int v=0; v<faceVertexCount; v++ )
out << fGeometry->face_connects[vid] << kSpaceChar;
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus apiMeshData::readVerticesASCII( const MArgList& argList,
unsigned& index )
MStatus result;
MString geomStr;
MPoint vertex;
int vertexCount = 0;
result = argList.get( index, geomStr );
if ( result && (geomStr == kVertexKeyword) ) {
result = argList.get( ++index, vertexCount );
for ( int i=0; i<vertexCount; i++ )
if ( argList.get( ++index, vertex ) ) {
fGeometry->vertices.append( vertex );
else {
result = MS::kFailure;
return result;
MStatus apiMeshData::readNormalsASCII( const MArgList& argList,
unsigned& index )
MStatus result;
MString geomStr;
MPoint normal;
int normalCount = 0;
result = argList.get( index, geomStr );
if ( result && (geomStr == kNormalKeyword) ) {
result = argList.get( ++index, normalCount );
for ( int i=0; i<normalCount; i++ )
if ( argList.get( ++index, normal ) ) {
fGeometry->normals.append( normal );
else {
result = MS::kFailure;
return result;
MStatus apiMeshData::readUVASCII( const MArgList &argList,
unsigned &index )
MStatus result = MS::kSuccess;
MString uvStr;
double u, v;
int fvi;
int faceVertexListCount = 0;
int uvCount;
if ( argList.get(index,uvStr) && (uvStr == kUVKeyword) ) {
result = argList.get( ++index, uvCount );
if ( result ) {
result = argList.get( ++index, faceVertexListCount );
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < uvCount && result; i ++ ) {
if ( argList.get( ++index, u ) && argList.get( ++index, v ) ) {
fGeometry->uvcoords.append_uv( (float)u, (float)v );
} else {
result = MS::kFailure;
for ( i = 0; i < faceVertexListCount && result; i++ ) {
if ( argList.get( ++index, fvi ) ) {
fGeometry->uvcoords.faceVertexIndex.append( fvi );
} else {
result = MS::kFailure;
return result;
MStatus apiMeshData::readFacesASCII( const MArgList& argList,
unsigned& index )
MStatus result = MS::kSuccess;
MString geomStr;
int faceCount = 0;
int vid;
while( argList.get(index,geomStr) && (geomStr == kFaceKeyword) )
result = argList.get( ++index, faceCount );
fGeometry->face_counts.append( faceCount );
for ( int i=0; i<faceCount; i++ )
if ( argList.get( ++index, vid ) ) {
fGeometry->face_connects.append( vid );
else {
result = MS::kFailure;
fGeometry->faceCount = fGeometry->face_counts.length();
return result;