C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 2011 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
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#include <maya/MCommonSystemUtils.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MStringArray.h>
#include "cgfxProfile.h"
#include <Cg/cgGL.h>
// List of Cg profiles.
// These are tupples of short name, vertex, geometry and fragment
// profiles that we will query to see if they are supported on the
// given platform. They are provided in order of expected rendering
// performance.
// We have to provide an explicit list of profiles because there seems
// to be no way to query that list using the Cg runtime API. It is
// missing a way to find out which combination of vertex, geometry and
// fragment profile goes together.
static const char* CgGLProfileList[][4] = {
{"gp5", "gp5vp", "gp5gp", "gp5fp"},
{"gp4", "gp4vp", "gp4gp", "gp4fp"},
{"glsl", "glslv", "glslg", "glslf"},
{"NV4X", "vp40", "", "fp40"},
{"arb1", "arbvp1", "", "arbfp1"},
{"NV3X", "vp30", "", "fp30"},
{"NV2X", "vp20", "", "fp20"}
// We use the OpenGL texture coordinate orientation be default.
cgfxProfile::TexCoordOrientation cgfxProfile::sTexCoordOrientation =
cgfxProfile* cgfxProfile::sProfileList = NULL;
const cgfxProfile* cgfxProfile::sBestProfile = NULL;
void cgfxProfile::initialize()
// Determine the texture coordinate orientation.
MStatus status;
MString str =
MCommonSystemUtils::getEnv("MAYA_TEXCOORD_ORIENTATION", &status);
if (status)
if (str == "OPENGL" || str == "")
sTexCoordOrientation = TEXCOORD_OPENGL;
else if (str == "DIRECTX")
sTexCoordOrientation = TEXCOORD_DIRECTX;
else {
MString es = "cgfxShader : The value ";
es += str;
es += " of the MAYA_TEXCOORD_ORIENTATION environment variable is unsupported. ";
es += "Supported values are OPENGL and DIRECTX";
// Determine the list of available Cg profiles.
const int nbKnownProfiles = sizeof(CgGLProfileList)/sizeof(const char*[4]);
cgfxProfile** currentEntry = &sProfileList;
for (int i=0; i<nbKnownProfiles; ++i) {
const char* shortName = CgGLProfileList[i][0];
const char* vtxProfileName = CgGLProfileList[i][1];
const char* geomProfileName = CgGLProfileList[i][2];
const char* fragProfileName = CgGLProfileList[i][3];
CGprofile vtxProfile = cgGetProfile(vtxProfileName);
CGprofile geomProfile = cgGetProfile(geomProfileName);
CGprofile fragProfile = cgGetProfile(fragProfileName);
// The geometry profile support is optional.
if (
cgGLIsProfileSupported(vtxProfile) &&
(geomProfileName[0] == '\0' || cgGLIsProfileSupported(geomProfile)) &&
) {
*currentEntry = new cgfxProfile(
shortName, vtxProfile, geomProfile, fragProfile);
currentEntry = &(*currentEntry)->fNext;
// Set the shader profile strings to the latest supported one.
if (sProfileList == NULL) {
sBestProfile = NULL;
else if (sProfileList->fNext == NULL) {
// Only one profile is available we must chose it.
sBestProfile = sProfileList;
else {
if (sProfileList->fName == "glsl") {
// The GLSL profile does not handle properly the semantic
// annotations on top-level uniform variable
// declarations. We therefore try to avoid it by default.
sBestProfile = sProfileList->fNext;
else {
sBestProfile = sProfileList;
void cgfxProfile::uninitialize()
cgfxProfile* profile = sProfileList;
while (profile) {
cgfxProfile* nextProfile = profile->fNext;
delete profile;
profile = nextProfile;
sProfileList = 0;
sBestProfile = 0;
MStringArray cgfxProfile::getProfileList()
MStringArray result;
cgfxProfile* profile = sProfileList;
while (profile) {
profile = profile->fNext;
return result;
const cgfxProfile* cgfxProfile::getProfile(MString profileName)
if (profileName == "") {
// Early out for a common case.
return NULL;
else {
// Search for requested profile.
const cgfxProfile* profile = sProfileList;
while (profile) {
if (profile->fName == profileName) {
return profile;
profile = profile->fNext;
return NULL;
MString name, CGprofile vtx, CGprofile geom, CGprofile frag
: fName(name),
cgfxProfile::cgfxProfile(MString name, CGpass pass)
: fName(name),
CGprogram vp = cgGetPassProgram(pass, CG_VERTEX_DOMAIN);
if (vp != NULL) {
fVtx = cgGetProgramProfile(vp);
CGprogram gp = cgGetPassProgram(pass, CG_GEOMETRY_DOMAIN);
if (gp != NULL) {
fGeom = cgGetProgramProfile(gp);
CGprogram fp = cgGetPassProgram(pass, CG_FRAGMENT_DOMAIN);
if (fp != NULL) {
fFrag = cgGetProgramProfile(fp);
bool cgfxProfile::isSupported() const
(fVtx == CG_PROFILE_UNKNOWN || cgGLIsProfileSupported(fVtx)) &&
(fGeom == CG_PROFILE_UNKNOWN || cgGLIsProfileSupported(fGeom)) &&
(fFrag == CG_PROFILE_UNKNOWN || cgGLIsProfileSupported(fFrag));