C++ API Reference
#include "smoothFalloffNode.h"
#include <maya/MFnTypedAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnFalloffData.h>
#include <maya/MFnMesh.h>
#include <maya/MIndexMapper.h>
#include <vector>
const MTypeId SmoothFalloffNode::id(0x0008006F);
const MString SmoothFalloffNode::typeName("exampleSmoothFalloff");
MObject SmoothFalloffNode::aSmoothFactor;
MObject SmoothFalloffNode::aFalloffInput;
MObject SmoothFalloffNode::aFalloffOutput;
MObject SmoothFalloffNode::aIteration;
MObject SmoothFalloffNode::aSyncId;
void* SmoothFalloffNode::creator()
return new SmoothFalloffNode{};
Smooth Falloff takes a weighfunction in and provides an output weight function.
The outputweight function will smooth the weight of its input
MStatus SmoothFalloffNode::initialize()
MStatus status;
MFnTypedAttribute typedAttrFn;
aIteration = numAttrFn.create("iteration", "itr", MFnNumericData::kInt, 1 );
status = MPxNode::addAttribute(aIteration);
aSyncId = numAttrFn.create("syncid", "sid", MFnNumericData::kInt, -1 );
status = MPxNode::addAttribute(aSyncId);
aSmoothFactor = numAttrFn.create("smoothFactor", "smf", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.1 );
status = MPxNode::addAttribute(aSmoothFactor);
//example ho to declare a falloff function
aFalloffInput = typedAttrFn.create("falloffInput", "foi", MFnData::kFalloffFunction );
status = MPxNode::addAttribute(aFalloffInput);
aFalloffOutput = typedAttrFn.create("falloffOutput", "foo", MFnData::kFalloffFunction );
status = MPxNode::addAttribute(aFalloffOutput);
status = attributeAffects( aFalloffInput, aFalloffOutput );
status = attributeAffects( aSmoothFactor, aFalloffOutput );
status = attributeAffects( aIteration, aFalloffOutput );
MStatus SmoothFalloffNode::uninitialize()
class SmoothFalloff: public MFalloffFunction
struct VertInfo{
unsigned int vertId;
double weight;
SmoothFalloff(MPxNode* node, MObject inputFalloff, double smoothFactor, int iter, int syncId)
//The Actual smooth algorithm
//It takes an inOutBuffer initalized to the input weights.
//mesh provide the connectivity information to do a proper smooth.
//Since weight function can provide weight on a subset of the total number of vert in a mesh;
//the mapper will inform us how to map a weight buffer index in to the mesh vertex buffer (full Id to affect Id "fullToAffect")
void doSmooth(MFloatArray& inOut, MFnMesh& mesh, const MIndexMapper& mapper)
const auto numEdges = mesh.numEdges();
std::vector<std::vector<VertInfo>> vertConnections(mapper.affectCount());
//Gather Vertices Connection
//for each vertex there is a list of VertInfo, wich hold connecting ver and invert distance to it
for(int i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i){
int2 vs;
auto status = mesh.getEdgeVertices(i,vs);
auto v0 = mapper.fullToAffect(vs[0]); //takes the vertexId and return the index in the weight buffer
auto v1 = mapper.fullToAffect(vs[1]);
if(v0 != MIndexMapper::InvalidIndex && v1 != MIndexMapper::InvalidIndex){ //if vertex are not art of the desired subset don't consider them
MPoint p0;
MPoint p1;
mesh.getPoint(v0, p0);
mesh.getPoint(v1, p1);
auto invert_d = pow(1.0/p1.distanceTo(p0), 4.0);
vertConnections[v0].emplace_back(VertInfo{v1, invert_d});
vertConnections[v1].emplace_back(VertInfo{v0, invert_d});
//normalize inverted distance to have proper weight per vertex
for(auto &v : vertConnections){
double sumWeight = 0;
for(auto& info: v){
sumWeight += info.weight;
for(auto& info: v){
info.weight /= sumWeight;
const auto OneMinusFactor = 1.0 - mSmoothFactor;
if (mIter < 0) mIter = 0;
if (mIter > 20) mIter = 20;
//simple smooth algorithm
MFloatArray initial;
for(int iteration = 0; iteration < mIter; ++iteration){
initial = inOut;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < initial.length(); ++i){
double averageNeighbours = 0.0;
for(const auto& vertInfo : vertConnections[i]){
averageNeighbours += initial[vertInfo.vertId] * vertInfo.weight;
if(vertConnections[i].size() > 0)
inOut[i] = (initial[i] * OneMinusFactor) + (mSmoothFactor * averageNeighbours);
//This is the function that will be called when the weight buffer are needed
//MFalloffContext would provide the neede information to correctly compute the weight for the targeted geometry
ReturnValue operator()(MFalloffContext& accessor) override{
//create an identifier for this node within the context
//Since this node only require 1 buffer by context, we can have layerId = 0 as second parameter.
//In case where we would have multiple function on same node (ex: using multi) we could use the multiIndex as second param.
MBufferIdentifier bufferId{mNode,0};
//This is an example how to call a falloff input function with the same context
MFnFalloffData inputFoff(mInput);
auto rv = inputFoff.call(accessor);
//rv now store infromation to get to the input buffer we need.
//if the topology is dirty we always need to recompute no matter everythiong else
//if the input is the same (Cached) then only recompute if this buffer is out of sync (input on this node has changes since last evaluation)
if( !accessor.isTopologyDirty() &&
rv.getCachedIndicator() == MFalloffFunction::ReturnValue::Cached &&
return ReturnValue{bufferId, rv.getRequirement(), ReturnValue::Cached};
//get the actual input buffer
MFloatArray initial = accessor.getValues(rv.getBufferId());
//get the targeted geometry
MObject geom = accessor.getGeometry();
MIndexMapper mapper = accessor.getIndexMapper();
MStatus status;
MFnMesh mesh(geom, &status);
//this smooth falloff won't work on geometry other than mesh
if(status != MStatus::kSuccess){
return rv; //simply return the input if it is not a mesh
if(mIter > 0 && mSmoothFactor > 0.0)
doSmooth(initial, mesh, mapper);
//set the computed buffer.
//make sure it is sync with our captured syncId
accessor.sync(mSyncId, bufferId);
//This node does not have any different requirement, returning input requirment as is.
//Some falloff could require current geometry instead of the original geometry.
//Current geometry requirement would cause the falloff to be computed everytime the input geometry of a deformer changes.
//OriginalGeometry requirement would only trigger weight computation when original geometry of a deformer changes.
return ReturnValue{bufferId, rv.getRequirement(), ReturnValue::NotCached};
MPxNode* mNode;
MObject mInput;
double mSmoothFactor;
int mIter;
int mSyncId;
MStatus SmoothFalloffNode::compute( const MPlug & plug, MDataBlock & block )
if(plug.attribute() == aFalloffOutput){
//When outputing a falloff function we must pull on all needed data at the compute stage.
auto input = block.inputValue(aFalloffInput);
auto sf = block.inputValue(aSmoothFactor).asDouble();
auto iter = block.inputValue(aIteration).asInt();
auto syncId = block.inputValue(aSyncId).asInt();
//increment sync id so that we remember that this computation id and can compare if the buffer is stale or not
//It is important to have a syncId because of the computation paradigm of the weight function.
//The weight function is not evaluated a this compute stage but rather at the time where weights are needed.
//For example weight function are consumed by deformer (geometryFilter)
//at the compute time of the geometryfilter, the function will be invoked with a context parameter MFalloffContext.
//The same function can be evaluated multiples time by different context and
//could potentially be evaluated multiple times within the same context (see smoothFalloff1 example below).
//Take this graph example:
// WeightFunctionProvider1 --> smoothFallOff1--> firstDeformer
// \ --> blendfallof1.layer1
// \ --> blendfallof1.layer2
// someOtherFalloff1--> blendfallof1.layer3
// .outFunction ---> secondDeformer
// \---> thirdDeformer
//smoothFallOff1 outputFunction would be called exaclty once by firstDeformer at its compute time.
//It would be called exaclty twice by secondDeformer and the twice as well for thirdDeformer
//For the case of the second & third deformer they are call twice each since the smoothFallOff1
//is connected to 2 layer of the blendfalloff.
//The blendfalloff to blend each layer would ask for each input buffer.
//The first time it get asked it probably need to compute if (syncId is not in sync with buffer)
//the second time it will be sync then it can return Cached and skip the computation.
//In the case where input parameters of someOtherFalloff1 change then it goes out of sync.
//It provokes a dirty propagation for the entire weight function graph
//In order to avoid to recompute all the layers of the blendFalloff1,
//each falloff function can bail out as soon as possible by checking the syncId stored with buffer syncId.
//That way only someOtherFalloff1 & the blendFalloff1 would need to recompute but not WeightFunctionProvider1 and smoothFallOff1
MFnFalloffData foffData;
//set a MSharedPtr of a callable to output falloff data
auto data = foffData.create(MSharedPtr<SmoothFalloff>(new SmoothFalloff{this,input.asFalloffFunction(), sf, iter, syncId}));
return MS::kSuccess;